Chapter 35

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It's been days since Engfa and Lisa found out that Freen is alive, and since the day they found out I was not able to spend much time with her because she's always with them.

Freen also started taking classes at the University. I'm happy I get to see her at times even if we're not talking but at the same time I'm also annoyed with the attention she's getting. I can't blame her though. She's beautiful and handsome at the same time, she's smart, kind and not to mention rich. All that someone can probably look for an ideal partner.

She was also able to meet my team mates. She was also able to participate in our practices already. I just found out recently that she's the new addition to the team.

Our trip to Riverton was re scheduled due to a business meeting Feros needed to take care to.

My teammates don't know yet that Freen is my girlfriend. We decided not to tell them for now, thought there are few rumors about us we are not confirming or denying anything. Only Englot, Jenlisa, Rosé, Jisoo and Feros knew the truth.

Since nothing is confirmed about us, many are really trying their luck. Just like yesterday, I almost lost my cool good thing Rosé came


We're at the field right now for our morning jog. While we are stretching a girl approached our team, Freen specifically.. Psshhh. There are also other students who "magically" started to jog as well. The field is separated with barricades to keep regular students in the area where athletes do our stretches, morning drilss etc.

So going back, a girl approached her and gave her a towel.

"Hi! Freen. Here, you can use this. Do you want me to wipe your sweat? I don't mind"

She flirtatiously said. And oh,People are used to calling her freen now instead of Sarocha,they said it fits her more. What annoys me is how she smiled at the girl but did not take the towel.

"Thank you, but I'm fine"

"Oh I insist. You might need one"

She got nearer and even touched her arm. I've just had it. I was about to go there when someone pulled me back.

"BecBec, people are watching. I'll take care of this."

"Can you give Freen a smack on the head for me Rosé? Please and thank you"

I calmly went back to stretching. I can still hear Rosé talking to the girl,i mean they are not that far.

"Ahm excuse me miss. They are having their practice so it would be best if you leave them space. I believe none athletes are not allowed beyond that area."

She pointed on the barricades.

The girl just looked at Rosé from head to toe. 

"What?  I'm just giving her a towel. And who are you? Tsss. You don't look like an athlete. Keep moving. I'm busy."

"Uh Oh. Wrong words. . "

"How shameful. She's not even sweating yet for you to give her a towel and Yes I am not an athlete."

"See? Mind your own business"

"Because I'm the schools sports reporter. So between you and I, I am the one who have the right to be here. Get it? I can call security if I want. So I suggest you leave,Now. If not..."

I saw Rosé got closer to the girl and whispered something. Seconds after the girl looked at me so I raised my eyebrows. She immediately left.

When the girl left, I saw how Rosé playfully smacked Freen's head.

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