Part 3: Abduction

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, the two on the left regained their composure and started moving to intercept me.

I finally made my first footfall outside the trunk, and opted to continue running. I knew I wasn't as fast as the grown men chasing me, but they were unaware of my full bag of tricks.

The faster of the two men to my left got ahead of me and turned so that our paths would meet in a few seconds, with him passing just in front of me.

The slower of the two tried to grab me from behind. His hands slipped off of my shoulders, and I spun with his grip, flicking my right hand in the direction of his face. He got soap in his eyes, and when he instinctively brought his hands up to wipe them, he only made the problem worse. That was one more kidnapper dealt with. There was only one remaining.

As I finished my spin, I noted that the man ahead of me had begun to lunge in my direction.

I sprayed soap out of my right hand onto the ground near his feet. He hesitated, and that was all the time I needed. I swung the wrench in my left hand harder than I'd ever swung anything before in my life, and struck the man right in the ankle. I lost my grip on the wrench, and let it go. It had served its purpose.

The man was clearly in pain, but that didn't stop him from trying to grab me. Luckily, the soap on my body paid off a second time, and he slipped off as I ran around him.

I broke into a full sprint, taking advantage of the several seconds that I had cost them to get a decent head start. I turned my head to look, and the men had only just gotten back to chasing me.

I was home free, or so I thought. Until I smacked into a chain link fence. By the time I'd gotten back to my feet, I was surrounded by five very angry men. Two of the men grabbed me, and they began dragging me towards the building they had parked at.

It was a military compound with a Venezuelan flag flying proudly above it. That confirmed my suspicions. I had been kidnapped by my own government.

Once inside the compound, I was thrown to the ground in a holding cell with a few other people. A couple were adults, but there was one kid around my age in there with us. He was still obviously a Venezuelan, like me, but he had much lighter skin and a Mediterranean caste to his features. He had a very stern look, and was visibly a few years older than me. He was very tall given his apparent age, and still definitely had room to grow. If I had to make a guess, I'd say he was 13 years old, and about 170 centimeters tall. He was staring at the very grumpy soldiers, who had just thrown me into the cell far more roughly than they had to, when he spoke.

"New kid, did you do that?" he asked, pointing to the injured men. I felt a bit like showing off, so I decided to tell him the truth.

"Yeah. I almost got away too, but didn't see the fence."

"Really? What's your power then?"

My power? Did that mean the others here had powers too? If so, we may have been able to escape if we all worked together. In the interest of cooperation, I decided to spill the beans.

"My power is to make soaps of all kinds." I explained. "Detergent, hand soap, and even window cleaner." As I explained my power, the expression on the boy's face dropped.

"Well that sucks." he said, flatly.

"Well what's yours then?" I snapped, feeling a little defensive.

"I'm invincible."

It was then that I realized. He wasn't insulting me. He was stating a fact. Compared to his ability, mine did suck. A lot.

"What do you mean, invincible?" I asked, hoping to at least continue the conversation.

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