004: Luna

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Deva was applying bandages to her side, which, while having been slowed down, was still bleeding. Luckily for her, magic bullets didn't leave physical shrapnel, but they were still stronger than regular bullets. She opted to stitch herself up instead of letting someone else do it. That fight with the other Savien completely embarrassed her. She was one of the strongest fighters in the United Teroan Army, one of the leaders in the government, and yet fell to a crappy magician.

She finished applying the bandage to her gunshot wound, which almost immediately turned the white cloth into a light red from the blood, and moved to add bandages to her face when she heard the elevator doors open behind her. She saw who it was and became a little more embarrassed. It was Geo.

He was wearing a black cloak with iron padding on the shoulders and a three-pointed star on the sides of the cloak. On his back was his EXE-blade and he was wearing his visor. Underneath his cloak was armor that resembled that of a knight. It was dark grey and he had silver plates on his knees and boots.

He saw Deva, bandages around her leg and arms, and hurried to her.

"What happened?" He said as he got to her and knelt to inspect her injuries. "I heard a prisoner escaped while you were interrogating him."

Deva was hesitant to answer. She tried to think of the words to say, and for what felt like a minute, sat there in silence staring at Geo's face. She really didn't want to say anything. But eventually sighed and relented.

"While I was interrogating a prisoner, Savien arrived. But he was weird. He dressed in his old purple outfit, spoke strangely, and, most glaringly, attacked me."

As she said this, Geo looked at her inquisitively and wondered about the citation she was describing.

"During the fight, we injured each other, but he eventually won out after hypnotizing me. When I awoke, the prisoner and this other Savien were gone."

She finished. After a second of contemplating, Geo took off his visor and put it on the table. He then grabbed Deva's hands and looked her in the eye.

"It'll be alright. We'll catch them later."

He smiled, and so did Deva. They looked deeply into each other's eyes, emotions rising. Deva began to think of their time together and how they comforted each other after Ami's death. And her mind drifted to Ami. She felt a little guilty. It felt as if she stole Geo from him after her death. That maybe it was too soon to be with him. That she was disrespecting her friend's memory.

But simultaneously, she was finally happy in such a long time. Being with Geo has washed away all the pain she felt after Ami's death. He helped her at her lowest moment. She would give anything to spend the rest of her life with him.

Deva smiled at Geo. She moved her head closer to his. But then the elevator doors opened, and Geo turned away. Deva moved to see who it was. To her shock and confusion, it was Savien, but he looked different. He wore his usual back outfit instead of the purple one.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," Geo said. Deva crossed her arms as Savien approached the two.

"Indeed," He said in a nonchalant tone. "But first I have to tell you something: while I was patrolling the city, I encountered my evil twin, who happened to wear my old clothes. I assume you met him already, Deva?"

Deva nodded as both processed this information.

"But there's more," Savien continued "A couple of the soldiers were attacked by three people. Their descriptions resembled that of Deva and Marlow, whom the soldiers managed to identify. But there was also one other guy with them that the soldiers didn't recognize. And he resembled Agni."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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