001: Gwain

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Savien took a shot at one of Luna's ball robots. The robot got shot in its large red eye and fell limp to the ground. Another one of the robots noticed this and turned to shoot at Savien, who took cover near some rubble.

While that was happening, Marlow was battling against Tahjin. She kicked at him but he blocked her with his bladehands. As their fight raged on, Tahjin was hit by a block of stone hitting him underneath, launching him into the air. He landed a few feet from them. He gets up quickly to see Lanney with rock gauntlets on her hands in a combative position.

As they stood there, Tahjin was pummeled with fireballs from his back. Quickly, Agni ran up to Tahjin and got in front of him Lanney and Marlow.

"I'll take it from here, ladies!" Agni said with a wide grin on his face.

Tahjin looked at him confused. He then swatted him away with his blade hand, launching him into a nearby wall. Both Lanney and Marlow looked as Agni hit the wall, knocked out.

"Did he seriously think he could take him?" Marlow said, genuinely confused at Agni's actions.

Tahjin turned back at them and the girls took on a defensive stance. Tahjin then charged at them and prepared his blade to strike. As he swung his blade, Lanney created a stone shield to protect herself. As the blade embedded itself into the stone, Marlow jumped up and hit Tahjin in the head. She then continued with a flurry of kicks to the head and then upper-kicked him to the ground.

Meanwhile, Deva was fighting off a group of batlings. 4 of them charged at her and she froze them all into blocks of ice. As she continued her battle, Jea attacked her from behind. She hit Deva with her poison which weakened her to the point she couldn't stand. Jea approached the weak Deva, a sadistic smile on her face.

"Your time is at an end! Now my master shall be victorious!"

Jea chuckled as she prepared to attack Jea further, but before she could do anything, she was launched into the air and hit a wall. When she got up, she saw it was Geo who hit her. She prepared to attack him but was hit by a bright pink bolt and was stunned in place. Ami leaped out next to Geo and Deva, who proceeded to freeze Jea just like the batlings.

"I think we had enough of her," Deva said with a smug smile. Just then, a large group of ball robots surrounded them, their guns trained at each of them. The group prepared to fight, only for all of them to be immediately destroyed in a bright flash of light. The group was blinded for a second, and when they recovered, they saw Twain float down onto the ground next to them.

"You know this wasn't what I was thinking of when I came to visit."

Just at that moment, hordes of Luna's robots came to the scene and attacked everyone there. The warriors managed to fight them off but more and more were arriving every second. Twain, tired of all of this fighting, destroys dozens of the robots with her energy beam before activating her earpiece and speaking into it.

"Hey sis, we could use some help around here. Where are you?"

"I'm on my way. Just need to deal with something." Gwain said over the earpiece while flying through the air.

"Well, it can't be this important!" Twain said exasperated.

"Believe me, it is."

Gwain turned off the intercom as she landed. Before her stood Luna, who was watching the battle from afar. She turned around to see Gwain. She was annoyed at her intrusion but she was expecting it. With all this carnage, she was bound to come sooner or later.

"I'm surprised how big this battle's gotten. Of course, not thanks to you sister and my favorite human."

She gave a smug smirk to Gwain, who looked at her unamused.

Gwain Saga: Fallen WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now