003: Twain

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Geo stood over the battlefield. Night had fallen and the warriors from the scene were still missing. Tahjin and Jea had been taken by the soldiers while he and the rest searched for Gwain, Luna, Deva, Savien, and Agni. He stared at the machine Tahjin nearly destroyed. From what he's told, it's useless. Nothing more than a hump of fried electronics. Geo had scoured the area but couldn't find anything. He began to worry for the worst.

He then felt someone grab his hand. Turning he saw Ami, a slight smile on her face. She was concerned for Geo. This whole day has surely been stressful for him just as anyone else. And to be truthful, she wanted to be with him to calm down. With Gwain and her friends disappearing, Ami has been fearing the possibility of them being lost forever. She felt at ease near him.

Geo stared deeply into Ami's vibrant pink eyes. Her presence comforted him more than she could know. Ever since that day on the beach, he has had a lot of feelings for her. They both do, and they know it. He smiled a little while continuing to look into her eyes.

Geo put his hand on her cheek. He began to move his head closer to hers. Both of their faces blushed as they got closer. Emotions flared as they continued. Their faces soon were inches apart, they were so close...

But both broke away when they heard footsteps coming towards them. They saw Marlow and Lanney, no doubt returning from their search.

"Sorry, but we couldn't find anything," Lanney said. However, both her and Marlow's attention was drawn to how Geo and Ami looked and acted. Their faces were cherry red and both were shuffling awkwardly.

"You guys okay?" Marlow asked. In response, both quickly nodded.

"Okay... We should probably resume the search tomorrow, it's getting late."

They all agreed, and with that Marlow and Lanney walked home. Before Geo could go, he looked back to Ami, who gave him a wink and a smile before walking away. He smiled as he turned away.


Twain managed to enter her palace, well, at least this world's version of her palace. Using a secret teleporter hidden in case of emergency, Twain secretly entered and infiltrated her Dominion. She would've criticized the sloppiness of the soldiers for essentially just letting her in but she wasn't stupid. She was walking through a great library, similar to the one in her world, searching for the archives. That's when she was spotted by an archivist. As he approached her it dawned on her that he must've mistaken her for this world's Twain. She decided to use this to her advantage to learn more about this strange new world.

"Queen Twain," The archivist said. "It is an honor. I assume you are here to prepare for the treaty talks with the High Lord."

"Yes," Twain said. They began to walk with each other.

"I'm afraid our resources are limited. Lord Geo has not shared much of his government's inner-workings to the public and all current intel is barebones."

Lord Geo? Twain thought. She thought it strange and disturbing that someone like Geo could run an oppressive state back on the mainland. What could have happened to make him this way?

"Then recount the events of his ascension."

The archivist looked at her strangely, no doubt questioning why she would be asking him this. Thinking on her feet, she came up with something to save face.

"A review could help us find strategies to use in the negotiations."

"Of course my queen." The archivist said as they continued to walk.

"Five years ago, the terrorist known as Luna Moonlight Manen tricked Geo into killing Princess Ami and his unborn child, as well as destroying Den City. Enraged, Geo killed Luna in captivity."

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