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A darkness was shown before a hatch was shown being open by rain as she looks down before looking up at neveah and Alice"after y'all"she says before one by one they all climbed down.

Rain was shown crunching out from a corner with her gun trained with Kaplan as water drips from above as they stands back up leading the way as they others follow close behind.

"What the hell is this place"the guy from the train asked looking around as they move forward.

"The utility tunnels they run underneath the hive for water,gas and power lines"Kaplan says as they walk forward before walking around a corner with many large pipe lines some Open some have mesh over them as they walk forward as water drips from above from the water pipes.

"It's been in her before"the guy from the train says.

"Keep moving!"rain says as they can't waste anytime with those things around.

"We're going around in circles"the guy from the train says.

"This is the route the computer gave us"Kaplan says as the guy from the train shoves past him"why are you listening to her"he says before rain grabs him pushing him against a mesh gate over a large pipe"enough already! We have no choice but to keep moving cause those things are right behind us.you got that"she says breathing hard when all of sudden hands reach out and grab on to him as she trains her gun as she and the others pull him away breathing hard as the zombies push against the mesh.

"Son of a bitch!"Nevaeh says before growling was heard from behind her and Alice as they turn seeing a Hurd before as Alice punched one as Nevaeh whirls around with a high kick snapping one neck as the others try to hold back the mesh as the zombies pushed through as Alice elbows a few around her as they keep coming neveah jumps up grabbing a bar as she kicks one in the head as it flys back before lifting both legs up pushing off one zombie as it flys back knocking over many as she flips before landing in a crunch as she flips her hair  before she looks up at the pipes getting an idea as alice jumps grabbing a bar lifting her legs as she wraps them around a zombies neck twisting as she snaps there neck before dropping down on her feet.

"Come on there's to many of them we need to help the others and get on those pipes were they can't reach us"neveah says breathing hard as the two rush over to the others as they added strength"we need to get up on the pipes come on!"she yells as she then side kicks a zombie in the head as they fly into the wall as the neck snaps and twisted before she was helped up as she grunts pulling her self up before helping the others as she then reached down to help Kaplan who screams when he was bit as she and the others pull him up quickly when rain shoots the zombie as she then screamed when she was bit again dropping the gun kicking them back before quickly grabbing the gun as rain froze seeing JD has turned into one of the undead as he charges biting her in the neck making her scream shoving him back as tears built in her eyes before quick shooting him in the head before helping the others up as they were now out of the zombies reaches for now.

Nevaeh sits there watching the feral zombies go crazy as they taste blood dripping from rains hand she leans her head against the wall.

Kaplan looks at the bite mark on his hand "she was right we're all gonna die down here"he says.

Nevaeh shakes her head"no don't think like that there is always a way "she says as Alice nods her head"she is right we're getting out of here all of us"she says before they crawl in a line on the pipes as the zombies try to reach them as they follow before they come to a split as the pipes split going in two different directions as wires hold them up first matt crawls out as he slowly stands up as the pips rock as he makes it across before the guy from the train as they found an opening as neveah was next as she grabs the wire slowly pulling her self up as she walks carefully across as the pipes wobble before they others help pull her in as it was rains turn as she carefully made it across as they help pull her in.

Now it was Alice and Kaplans turn as they slowly walk across as the hold was weaking as the support was coming out the walls as the zombies roar reaching for them"Kaplan are you okay"she asked as they carefully walk across but before they can fully make it the hook breaks as the support completely breaks from the wall as tye bottom have of the pipe fell down as Kaplan grabs on having almost fell off as he screams as they others rush to help just as the pipe completely collapsed as power lines snap as alice flys as mat grabs her hand as she hangs as the zombies grab at her legs as she kicks them off as mat and neveah help pull her up.

Neveah then looks around at the heard of zombies"Kaplan! Kaplan!"she yells before seeing him on the ground as he screams kicking one off as he goes to climb back up the other half but one pins him "help him now rain!"she says.

Rain holds her gun ready to shoot but her vision was to blurry "I can't. I can't focus I can't see!"she says before Nevaeh takes the gun as she aims and shoots the zombie in the head as it flys back before Kaplan quickly pulls him self up the pipe as he was breathing heavily as he pulls him self up all the way as he was out of there reach but he was split up from them.

"Hold on we're gonna come and get you cut this wire and throw it to him then we can go get him"Alice says the last part to the others as Kaplan looks at the zombies that are trying to climb as she Shakely grabs his pistol as he emptied it showing empty shells by one"that's lucky"he says holding it before throwing the empty shelles.

"I want y'all to go "he says as Nevaeh shakes her head "not gonna happen"she says.

"She's right we're not gonna leave you Kaplan"Alice says.

"Yes y'all are you can't kill all of them and I'm not going anywhere I want you to go know please just do it go!"he says as the guy from the train helps rain as neveah blinks back with tears to many people have died as she had no choice by to pull Alice away as they quickly leave.

Kaplan holds the gun with only one bullet left as he holds it in his mouth as a zombie gets closer as they others crawl through the pipe hearing a gun shot before the zombie falls showing Kaplan had shot it instead before throwing his empty gun at the zombies "your gonna have to work for your meal!"he says before crawling into an opening with his wounded leg.

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