Soldiers and cop

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The door closed as the person drags them back in just as flash bombs were thrown in shattering the windows as they were blinded falling to the ground just as people in black armor and helmets fly in.

"What the hell?!"Nevaeh asked before something told her to fight as she quickly gets up to her feet while one handles the guy that dragged them back in"what are you doing I'm cop"the man says as he was forced to the ground and handcuffed.

as she round house kicked the one comeing at her as they fall to the ground before getting up as she runs to them before cartwheeling as she lands her hand son the ground wrapping her legs around their neck and slamming them into the ground before hand standing back up as she flips her hair before one grabs her from behind until she elbows them hard and grabs there arm with a yell as she flips the over her shoulder on to the ground before swiftly kicking them in the gut as they fly back making her eyes widen.

Alice watches huddled against the wall in shock as the soldiers share looks as this one was more of a skilled fighter then the other two.

before three more come in as two go to Alice while one comes at her as she grabs the discarded gun"who the hell are you people!"she demands as she cocks the gun as everyone was in a stand still.

"Don't shoot are you two women Nevaeh and Alice"the people asked holding up there hands easy.

"I'll ask the questions what the hell is going on"she snaps holding the gun firmly as the people who crashed in take off there mask showing many men and two women.

"We were work for the same company we were sent to see what the hell happened but by guessing y'all's memory loss y'all are still suffering from the effects" the female with long blood hair tied in a ponytail once seeing they won't cause a threat she slowly lowers the gun.

The lader James who was a dark skinned male "we're going into the hive"he says making the girls more confused before the glass mirror doors open showing a large set of stairs leading underground as they walk in with guns as the door closes.

They follow the soldiers down the stairs into a chamber that held equipment chemicals and etc as the soldiers make sure it's safe before a train was shown that will lead them to the hive as Nevaeh and Alice shared confused locks how was all this down here under the house.

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