Virus unleashed

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Down in the experiment lab someone in a white masked suit was loading all the t virus which was blue and anti virus which was green in a case before it was shut and sealed into a bag as a gloved was shown tossing a case of the virus as it flys across the lab in slow motion smacking into a corner of a metal table shattering falling to the ground as the door was sealed shut as the virus enters the vents. 

A vent was shown as hissing came from it"all umbrella staff must wear there identity tags at all times all radiation badges will be collected at 5:00 pm this afternoon"a female voice was heard as a man in in work attire as he wore a white button up shirt with pants and a tie as his identity tag was on his shirt as he holds his blazer in one arm while holding coffee as he was forward as he takes a sip before being bumped by someone as coffee spilled onto his shirt "thank you! God!" as the person just walks off as in the background with windows showing a fake outside sitting with programed sounds as people in different work attire walk around as he stands next to a dark skinned woman with highlighted brown curly hair pinned back wearing a shirt with a grey blazer and matching skirt with heels and her identity badge.

"Some people"she says as they wait to get on the elevator.

The man smiles"yeah"he says before an elevator opens as they walk in As some dogs who were tested on in cages lift there heads up looking up at the vent as they can sence and smell something in the air as they start growling and barking like crazy as they were in the experiment lab.

The experiment lab was shown with hetech equipment and computers all around as a few man and a women in lab coats were shown walking to the lab as a camera was shown with a red light as it scans the room before seeing the shattered vial as it zoomed in as information appears before the biohazard warning flashes.

A women with light dirty blond hair in a white shirt and pants with a lab coat with shoes walks in threw the door with coffee "don't show this to me "she says as she is followed by two other men wearing the same clothes "why not"the one with short dark hair "asked with a smile.

"Because I am busy "the women says as they walk further into the lab as the door closed by the other man who was dark skinned with no hair as they walk to the table before a alarm goes off making them look up and around before an office was shown as a women with light dirty blond hair with a white button up shirt with a skirt and heels was on the phone in front of the computer"it's nothing a fire drill"she says to the person over the phone.

As everyone was getting up from there disk walking to the doors as they were closed in as a another camera was shown as a red light blinked on showing the people inside the elevator as they looked around hearing the alarm.

"What's that"the man from earlier asked.

"Fire drill"the women beside him says as the lab was shown with the alarm still going off as the man with short dark hair walks over to the door just as water sprays out from the ceiling as they gt soaked "shit!"the women says.

"Hey what the hell is going on"the man at the door says as another sprayer activates as the room was getting a soaked as they rush over to the table "get the computers covered move it! The experiments move it!"the women says as they try to cover everything that was important as the dogs continue to bark like crazy as water was starting to fill up in the room.

The men in the elevator moves towards the doors getting nervous"shouldn't the doors open or something"he says as he pressed the buttons.

"It's supposed to take us to the nearest floor"the women says pushing her way through just as the lights turn off as they look around in the dark as she grabs the phone pressing a button"hello hello" but nothing happens.

"What's happening"the man asked as they were seen through the camera as the women sits the phone back "the lines dead"she says before people in the office were shown looking around as the front and back door were closed tightly "what's the problem"the women from before asked while putting on her blazer.

"The doors won't open"another female says.

"What about the ones in the back "she then asked.

"Locked as well"a man beside her says as the alarm continues before the lab was shown with the water above there ankles as the women looks into the camera waving her hands around soaked head to toe as the others try to open the sealed shut doors as water continued to fill up in the room" there's no fire here! No fire! There's no fire here what's wrong with you!"she shouts.

"The code doesn't work the door won't open"the one at the door they walk away trudging through the water"this water isn't going anywhere"the man with short dark hair says soaked head to two walking around the female"what"she asked.

"It's a sealed room"he says trying the code again as the women walks to the other man across the the room'oh fuck the doors!"he says before he takes out an axe as the water continued to get high as he screams running through the water at one of the windows slamming the axe as a single piece of glass flys out and drops to the ground.

The elevator shafts were shown as alarm lights flashed "we have to get out of here what's going on has this happened before we have to get out of here we have to get out of here!"the man from before says panicking as continues to press buttons but nothing happens.

"Take it easy"one another man says as he starts banging on the doors before the women hears something "quiet! "She says as the listen before they here it to "what is that" as a elevator was shown falling to the bottom fast as the people inside scream with fear before they crash to the bottom instantly dieing as the women in the elevator realized what happened as dread feels with in her" oh my God"she says before suddenly there's starts going down as everyone looks around as they started to panic and scream holding on tight as they continue down before the break catches making it jerk to a stop as they all fall to the floor breathing heavily as they all groan slowly getting up.

The people in the office were shown starting to get worried as they push against the doors before poison sprays into the room as they all scream in fear "halon!"the women from before shouts as they all run around panicking trapped before they all slowly died one by one as halon fills up in the room.

The elevator doors were shown slowly being pulled open as fingers wiggle through as they push it open some letting them see as the women looks first as she stares ahead of her in horror before the man pushes her out the way "let me see"he says before he looks through the gap as he sees everyone on the floor dead before sitting up"we're gonna have to get out of here we have to get out of this building! Here give me a hand"he says as another man helps him push more"that's as far as it they go they're caught on something"as the women takes off her blazer with her sleeves rolled up "that wide enough o can squeeze through I'll get help"she says.

She was they shown groaning as she slowly as she puts one arm through as head head comes out with some of her shoulders"I'm stuck your gonna have to push that's it"she groans as the camera watches her before she hears something.

"What was that"the man asked as another one realized in fear what that was"oh Christ! It's the breaks! Get out!"he tells the woman but she's stuck as she can barely move "I can't move!"she cry's.

"We have to get out of here!"when all of sudden the elevator drops making her scream before it jerks to a stop as she was breathing heavily with fear as her arm lays on the floor as she shakes with fear "push her out of the way"the man from before says as they try to push her out as she manages to turn on her back seeing the elevator blades above her"pull me back inside! Pull me back inside!"she cry's as her arms were by her sides as the elevator suddenly pulls up as she screams before a flash of white and the sound of a slice was heard.

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