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Mr. Utomi going on strike made more sense to me than any other bad outcomes I could imagine. I wanted to stick to that idea, but Maxwell was eager to dig deeper into the problem. I was tired of dealing with so many issues, but I couldn't convince him to stop. We had to leave because we didn't have our ID cards. As for Kennedy, I knew I would meet him the next day, which would hopefully clear up my doubts once and for all.


On the following Tuesday morning, I found myself in a nearly empty lecture theater, realizing I must have missed a memo that everyone else seemed to have received. Only a handful of students were present. Standing at the back door, I observed them and sighed, regretting the transportation expenses I had incurred to come to school. I turned around and placed my hand above my eyes to shield myself from the bright sun. I gazed in the direction of the library, considering the idea of settling there, but then remembered I had forgotten my ID card, it was no need embarrassing myself again trying to get in.

I walked down into the empty theater and took a seat, hoping the lecturer might arrive or a few more people might show up. Either way, I wasn't eager to head back home immediately; I was too exhausted for that. I pulled out my phone to check my department's group chat for any updates about the class being cancelled, but there was no information. The same was true for the other archived group chat, where people were discussing whether the class was still happening. I chose not to respond because I didn't want to be the only one to suffer by coming to an empty class. Plus, I never participated in the group discussions anyway.

I considered what I had been anticipating for in class, which was meeting Kennedy to sort things out, but it looked like I would have to wait another day for that. I felt a part of me, like Maxwell whispering into my ear, urging me to stop avoiding it and just message him on Grindr to confirm he's not a catfish. I tried to push that thought away; it would be crazy to reach out to someone I had ignored for over two weeks. Also, I doubted that 'Kennedy from Grindr' would even respond.

"Ahan, did they cancel the class?" A voice broke the silence, it was Rasheed's. I turned around to see him, standing up as we approached each other.

I hadn't forgotten how upset he had been the day before and how he had left without resolving things, but now he didn't seem to be bothered anymore. I greeted him and mentioned that I hadn't been sitting for long.

"Seems like those guys actually went on strike," Rasheed speculated. It confirmed my belief about Mr. Utomi rather than the unfounded idea that he might have been arrested and questioned due to suspicions of being gay.

I wasn't fond of the strike idea. Sure, having days off sounded fun, but it would only prolong my time in school, and I didn't want that. Exams were approaching, and I preferred to take them and be done with it rather than going on an unexpected break and returning after a long time to face an exam I wouldn't be prepared for. Knowing myself, the holiday would end up being too long, and I wouldn't bother studying.

Rasheed sat down and expressed his desire to wait before leaving. This caught me off guard since I had planned to depart with him, enjoying the company for the walk back. However, he opted to wait until the scorching sun had subsided, which I understood considering the heat. Though I wasn't enthusiastic about the delay, it beat spending another 100 naira on a keke ride back. Thus, I decided to stay put and occupy myself until the time was right to leave.

While we passed the time together, both absorbed in our phones, I pondered asking Rasheed for advice about the Kennedy dilemma that troubled me. Yet, I held back because I wasn't prepared to open up to him about it. I believed he didn't need to be informed, and it might only lead to questions about the Me, Maxwell, Investor, and Prudence situation, which was his main concern, not specifically Kennedy.

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