He wails in pain, kicking Lilith from on top of him.

Lilith's horns lengthen, a purple mist forming around her. "You should know, how to speak to the queen of hell!" She throws him across the room, as he was slammed against the window.

He kept the agonized grin on his face, as Lilith kicked him out the window. The glass ran through his red suit, cutting into his back. Lilith wasn't going to show him any mercy.

The overlords jumped up, Carmilla ran at Lilith, but the queen dodge her. Pinning her against the wall.

"This, is not your fight." She holds Carmilla by her neck, the overlords gasping for air.

Alastor flails in the air, blood welling from his side. The blurry vision of Rosie, staring down in panic, out the window. Alastor manages to reach out, and catch himself on the ledge of the tall building. The one-handed grasp, slowly losing grip. "No.." he gasps, trying to reach with his other hand. "Th-this, can't be hap-" his hand slips, as he falls down towards the street. It was quickly growing larger in his view. He strained to summon the magical black tendrils from his back. Managing to form just enough, to cushion his fall. However, the shock from the impact, knocked the breath right out of him. "Ahh-" Alastor groaned in pain, as bystanders crowded around him. "Back up!" He growled weakly, his hand grasped around the side that Lilith had jabbed her spear into. He layed, frozen in pain, as Lilith floated down from the broken window. The purple mist growing more, and more, dense around her.

"You fucked up enough." She snarled, pressing her heeled foot against his stomach. "And now, you are going to die. But, it would be more fun to see you suffer~before I actually kill you~" She aimed the spear at his neck.

Alastor writhed under the pressure of her step. He froze in terror, as Lilith lightly glided the blade along his neck. Making it's way up his chin, and over his eye. Panic struck him, as she pressed against the spear, it dug roughly into his eye. He wailed in pain, his body shivering as she dragged the spear down his face. Cutting through him as if it was nothing. It sliced deeply, all the way down to the base of his neck. He cried out, his whole body beaming in agony.

"This, is the real entertainment, Alastor. You, are a good for nothing failure." Lilith laughed sinisterly.

Alastor spotted through the non-injured eye, that the overlords had made their way out of the building, watching in horror at the scene. Rosie making her way to the front of the group. "Alastor!"

"Rosie!" He croaks, as Lilith kicks him across the sidewalk.

"You worthless, peice of shit! You are nothing but a mamas boy!" Lilith pins him against the wall.

Alastor grunts under the hand grasped around his neck. His head going fuzzy, and his eyesight dizzy. The blood from the cut that ran from above his left eye, all the way down to the base of his neck. It soaked his suit, turning it a darker red color than it already was. He gasped for air, when a quick blur, flashed in front of him. He fell to the ground, backing up against the wall. He watched as Rosie rushed towards him. Alastor ears where pinned back, as his body wouldn't stop shaking.

"Oh Alastor!" Rosie cries, kneeling down in front of him. "It's going to be ok." She sits on the ground next to him, resting her hand comfortingly around him.

Alastor's breath comes in desperate gasps, as the blood from his scar seeps into his mouth.


Lucifer flies above the large tower, spotting Alastor pinned against the wall by Lilith. His eyes turn bright red, his teeth barking angrily. He bolts down, shoving Lilith away from Alastor. "LEAVE HIM THE FUCK! ALONE!" His voice booms, as he glares numbly at his wife. "You've pushed it. To. Far!" He flies at her, grabbing her by the neck. The horns protruding from his head, the large flame blazing between them. "Now I am going to make you pay for WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!" he carries her far up into the sky, strangling her.

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