"I like whatever you like,"

"So this is it then,"

"Zuri, are you sure nothing is going on beyond what you're telling me? You seem so scared of him,"

"He's not beating or threatening me. He's just aggressive. That's what bothers me the most. He gets so angry and frustrated with everything!" She said, sitting down on the bench. "I don't even know where he got that from. He turns into a different person. Sometimes I love him and sometimes I just don't! I don't!"

"I would suggest you get away from that before things get worse. Those are signs of a foreshadow abuse. That's not a real thing but he can for sure act out badly one of these days and if you're in his way, he will do something he gone regret,"

"You're right. How come you always know what to say?"

"Let's just say I got tired of my mom being taken advantage of. I watched that shit since my sister was born. Even before she was born, my dad was just like Justin. Justin is a spitting image of my dad and that irks me so much. My dad used to verbally and physically abuse my mom a lot growing up. Once my sister was born, he was barely there. He was in and out of our lives and came back when he wanted something. He remarried, but never had another kid. Him and my sister talked and he wants to talk to me, but I wiped my hands with my dad. He tried talking to me time and time again, but his behavior never fucking changed. I don't think he will ever change,"

"Now I have a better understanding of why you are the way you are..."

"I guess you can say that. Women do so much for men and they get shitted on every time. That's not fair. I don't care about what you bring to the table. Women carry babies! Asking what they bring to the table isn't really important. Like, be a man and do your job and shut the fuck up, bruh,"

"Exactly! I am in agreeance with that. All I have is my mom. Not sure where my dad is, but I did have uncles and cousins and they taught me a few things. But there is nothing that they can teach that a dad can teach,"

"That's why it's important that parents learn to be cordial...it affects their children. That's why I say, you deserve more. You are a growing flower...the more water you soak up, the more you grow. Don't let nobody dry you out for all you've got,"

"That was beautiful, Duke..."

"No...you are,"

"You're such a sweet talker," she giggled.

"Well, I'm for real. And if no one can see that, I can. I'm just trying to give you some encouragement to keep going. I may not be the person for you, but just incase you forget who you are,"

"Yeah. So, you wanna pick out a pumpkin?" She asked.

"Yeah. That way we can carve out our pumpkins together,"

"I'm down for that. We can do it at your house,"

"Duke, please,"

"I'm just messing with you. We can do it at my house,"

"I'm actually thinking about moving out,"

"You are?"

"Yeah...I don't wanna feel like I'm invading his space. Clearly I'm just a stranger,"

"I was thinking I'd teach him a lesson, but it wouldn't matter no way. I'm looking for places right now,"

"That's a start. I believe you can do it and I'm rooting for you,"

"Thank you for all the support, Duke. I really need it,"

"Anytime. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go and dress these pumpkins up,"

As we were walking, Zuri stopped smiling and instantly frowned. I was confused. I looked over to what she was looking at and saw a couple. It was a white couple. I'm not sure who they were, but it made her mad.

"You know them?"

"That's that bitch who was flirting with Justin. Her name is Sky and that's her boyfriend he was mad about,"

The girl, Sky, spotted Zuri and looked her up and down. Zuri rolled her eyes and walked away. I went after her of course because...what?!

"Don't let that wanch get to you,"

"She just irks my soul, Duke! She knew what she was doing!"

"You're black, she's white. She ain't got shit on you,"

"Duke, what?" She laughed.

"I'm just being for real. Who the hell she think she is anyway?"


"Exactly. Fuck her,"

"Fuck her,"


"Hey babe,"

"Hey, wassup?" Justin said.

"What you doing?"

"At home. When you coming back?"

"After I leave this pumpkin patch,"


"I wanna talk to you about something,"


"I saw Zuri out with another guy here a few minutes ago..." Sky said.

"Huh? Are you stalking her?"

"It's just a coincidence. My boyfriend took me here and we had this planned for a few days now. I saw her with some tall, dark skin man with dread locs. I don't even think he had eyebrows,"

"Tall, dark skin, man, no eyebrows...I don't know him. Do you?"

"No. I have never seen this man a day in my life,"

"Maybe that's the guy who's been dropping her off and picking her up at the house. Wait a minute, let me check the cameras,"

Justin went to his iPad to pull up the footage from that night to see who was in the car. It was a black and red Jeep and the plate read DEN188. His windows were tinted, so he couldn't see much. Den must stand for something.

"The windows are tinted, but the license plate is DEN188. I think Den stands for something. What kind of car he rides?"

"Hold on, let me go back and see. Babe, I'll be back. I left something in the car,"

Sky hurried up and followed behind them. They were already at the car getting ready to go in. She got close enough to read the plate, and what do you know.

"That's the one. DEN188 is the license plate. They getting in the car now,"

"Snap a pic!"

"Okay!...got it!"

"Send it,"

"I thought you didn't want her anymore,"

"That is not your concern right now. Just send the picture,"

"I am, but you ain't about to talk to me like that,"

"I'm sorry,"

"It's sent,"

"...Are you fucking kidding me?"


"That's the mother fucker who sold me my car!"

𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧❀✿  (Duke Dennis Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now