The screen blinked out. Y/N was left staring at a black wall, wishing he had something heavy to throw at it.


That night, dinner was loud, joyful, and a much needed break for all the people that had passed the second selection.

Y/N had practically adopted Niko into Team Z, who were grouped up around a table. When Niko had tried to refuse the offer, Y/N had pointed out that if he didn't join them, he would probably end up sitting by himself. "It's not good to be so quiet all the time!"

"You're doing most of the talking then." Niko had replied.

And he was. While Niko ate peacefully on his right, Y/N was busy fussing over Chigiri on his left, making funny faces across the table at Bachira that caused the bumblebee to spit out his food more than once, and copying Gagamaru's wide-eyed, blank expression for as long as he could.

Most people sat in smaller groups of three or two, but Team Z's table had seven including Niko. It was shaped like a horseshoe, with Igaguri on one end, and Raichi sitting in the middle. Igaguri had filled his entire area of the table with plates on plates of food.

"Did you actually get one of every single dish?" Raichi exclaimed. Y/N looked up, across at Igaguri, and whistled.

"Tonight's the only night we can eat all we want...It'd be a waste not to!" Igaguri got out around a mouthful of fried squid. "I may be a monk, but I still have earthly desires!"

Gagamaru, near him, reached forwards with one hand. "I'm taking one of those earthly desires." He stole a piece of beef with one hand, dipped it straight into a saucer of tartar sauce, and shoved it into his mouth.

Bachira burst out laughing. "How does the earthly desire taste?"

"Great with tartar sauce." Gagamaru nodded.

Chigiri shook his head. He sat with legs crossed, using chopsticks to eat his food properly. His hair was up in a long ponytail. "Please, use some chopsticks?" Isagi reached over the table to pass a pair to Gagamaru, who just looked at them with confusion.

"Toss me one?" Across the table, Y/N held out a hand. Both Chigiri and Niko shot him scolding looks. He wiggled his fingers at Gagamaru. "With sauce."

The caveman didn't find that request at all strange. Completely ignoring Igaguri's cries, he yoinked another piece of beef, dunked it straight into the tartar sauce, and threw it over the table.

Y/N shot out of his chair, catching the food in his mouth. He nodded, chewing, completely unbothered that Gagamaru had used his hands. "Good throw!" He got out around the beef.

Next to him, Niko covered his face with his hands. "You're such a child."

"Do you want some too?"

"I'm good, thanks."

Chigiri spluttered with laughter. "Y/N, I think Gagamaru is a bad influence on you."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Y/N's eyes widened comically, and he sat there with hunched shoulders and an open mouth, perfectly copying Gagamaru on the other side of the table.

That got smiles all round.

For the rest of the dinner, spirits were high. All the players were chattering over their food for a good hour, discussing what team they would pick. Everyone that wasn't in the top six had a piece of paper with boxes on to tick. Everyone except Y/N.

People kept coming over to Team Z's table, so much so they had to add on new tables to make it bigger. They push them together, forming a weird shape that somehow managed to work as people joined them.

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