Heatwaves of Love ( Neel×malang)

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Neil sat in his office, engrossed in a discussion with his employees about the final design of their company's upcoming project

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Neil sat in his office, engrossed in a discussion with his employees about the final design of their company's upcoming project. As he glanced at his buzzing phone, a smile crept across his face upon seeing "mahi❤️" flash on the screen, his endearing nickname for Malang. He excused himself from the meeting to answer the call, curious about Malang's sudden urgency.

"Hey, what's up?" Neil greeted, his tone casual yet concerned.

"How much do you love me?" Malang's voice, tinged with a hint of worry, immediately caught Neil off guard.

"Um, why do you ask?" Neil responded, his confusion growing with each passing second.

Ignoring Neil's question, Malang persisted, "How long will it take you to come home right now?"

Neil furrowed his brows, mentally calculating the time it would take to wrap up his meeting and rush home. "I have a meeting for the next hour, but if it's urgent, I can try to leave sooner," he offered, trying to gauge the seriousness of the situation.

"Come home in 20 minutes. I need your help," Malang's tone was firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Neil's mind raced with possibilities as he hastily ended the call and made his way home. As he pulled up to their modest 2BHK house in Mumbai, he immediately noticed the stifling heat seeping through the windows. Rushing inside, he found Malang sprawled on the floor, his face contorted in frustration.

Suppressing a smile at Malang's adorable pout, Neil approached him, concern etched on his face. "Mahi, what's wrong? Why did you need me to come home so urgently?"

Malang, on the verge of tears, vented about the relentless heatwave and the lack of electricity and water throughout the day.

"I can't take it anymore, Neil! It's like an oven in here, and there's no water to even cool down," Malang lamented, his voice trembling with frustration.

Neil's heart sank as he realized the extent of Malang's discomfort and frustration. "Why didn't you call the electricity department?" he suggested, trying to offer a solution.

Rolling his eyes sarcastically, Malang retorted, "Of course I did, but they said there's no issue on their end. It's just our house."

Neil's blood boiled at the thought of his mother's potential involvement in sabotaging their utilities. Suppressing his anger, he reassured Malang and quickly took charge of the situation. He made a few calls, ensuring that the electricity and water supply to their house would be restored promptly.

As the cool breeze from the newly functioning air conditioner filled the room, Malang sighed in relief, his tense muscles finally relaxing. Neil couldn't help but admire Malang's resilience in the face of adversity, despite the unfair treatment they received from his own family.

Encouraging Malang to take a refreshing shower, Neil watched with a fond smile as his partner embraced the cool water, washing away the stress of the day.

Encouraging Malang to take a refreshing shower, Neil watched with a fond smile as his partner embraced the cool water, washing away the stress of the day

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"I'm so sorry you had to go through this, Mahi. I promise to make it right," Neil said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Inside the shower~

As Malang stepped into the refreshing cascade of cold water, a shiver ran down his spine, sending tingles of relief coursing through his body. The sensation was invigorating, like a soothing balm to his overheated skin. With each droplet that cascaded over him, he felt the tension of the sweltering day melt away, replaced by a cool serenity.

"Ah, that's the stuff," Malang murmured blissfully, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back, allowing the chilly water to wash away the remnants of frustration and discomfort. The contrast between the scorching heat outside and the icy embrace of the shower was like night and day, and Malang relished in the stark difference.

As he lathered himself with soap, the cool water mingled with the sweet scent of the shower gel, creating a refreshing oasis in the midst of the sweltering heat. With each swipe of his hand, he felt a renewed sense of vitality, as if the cold water was recharging his depleted energy reserves.

With a contented sigh, Malang lingered under the stream of water, savoring every moment of respite it provided. The tension in his muscles slowly ebbed away, leaving behind a sense of calm and tranquility. In that moment, all the worries and frustrations of the day seemed to fade into insignificance, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures in life.

As he emerged from the shower, his skin tingling with freshness, Malang couldn't help but smile at the sight of Neil waiting for him with a warm towel and a comforting embrace. In that moment, he realized that no matter what challenges they faced, as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm. And with Neil by his side, even the hottest of days could be transformed into moments of cool serenity.

Outside, he ordered Malang's favorite food, eager to bring some comfort to his beloved.

As Malang emerged from the shower, refreshed and rejuvenated, he was greeted with the sight of his favorite meal waiting for him

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As Malang emerged from the shower, refreshed and rejuvenated, he was greeted with the sight of his favorite meal waiting for him. With a grateful smile, he joined Neil at the table, their bond stronger than ever as they faced life's challenges together.

Onshot ( multifandom)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora