High speed ⏩

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Perth, Joong, and Pond, three friends with a knack for adventure, decided to kick off their weekend with a memorable night out. Eager to celebrate, they hailed a taxi to take them to the city's hottest nightclub.

The taxi driver, a wise and experienced man named Sam, quickly realized that the trio had indulged in a few too many drinks. With a smile, he started the engine and immediately turned it off. "We have reached your destination," he announced, his tone neutral.

Unaware of Sam's clever ruse, Perth, the first guy, fumbled in his pockets and handed over the fare. Joong, the second guy, slurred a "Thank you" and stumbled out of the taxi.

Then, there was Pond, the third member of the tipsy trio. He was a bit more outspoken than his friends. As he left the taxi, he delivered a surprisingly powerful slap to Sam's shoulder. The taxi driver was momentarily stunned, thinking that Pond had somehow caught on to the prank.

"What was that for?" Sam asked, trying to mask his surprise.

Pond, with a mischievous grin, replied, "Control your speed next time, you nearly killed us!"

The three friends burst into laughter as they realized that Sam had outsmarted them with his clever maneuver. They bid Sam a good-natured farewell and entered the nightclub, where they continued their night of revelry, sharing the hilarious tale of their "high-speed" taxi ride with anyone who would listen.

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