Cherished Moments❤️(neel×malang)

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Malang opened his eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains

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Malang opened his eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. Glancing at the alarm clock, he realized it was the weekend. His gaze wandered to the empty side of the bed, noting Neel's absence, probably at the gym. Malang rose, proceeding to freshen up and prepare breakfast.

As he entered the kitchen, the scent of breakfast greeted him, and there stood Neel, cooking with concentration. Malang, unable to contain his joy, approached and enveloped Neel from behind, a warm hug breaking the morning silence. "Good morning, love," Malang whispered, and Neel turned, reciprocating the greeting with a smile.

The couple enjoyed a delightful breakfast together, laughter filling the air along with the aroma of freshly cooked food

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The couple enjoyed a delightful breakfast together, laughter filling the air along with the aroma of freshly cooked food. Their love evident in shared glances and affectionate touches.

In the afternoon, Malang, feeling a bit parched, went to get a glass of water from the filter. Little did he know, Neel had different plans. Just as Malang turned on the tap, Neel appeared behind him, lifting him effortlessly and carrying him into the bedroom. Malang squirmed playfully, but Neel had mischievous intentions.

Neel teased, "You thought you could escape, my love?" as they disappeared into the bedroom for some intimate moments.

In the bedroom~

Neel drag malang inside the bedroom and close the door, malang tried to escape but no chance,  coz neel was not any in any mood to let go his bunny with out tasting him,


"baby don't waste your energy you will need it*smirk* " said neel while kissing malang's neck.... Leaving wet kisses down his chest. He swiftly throw malang on the mattress,  strip him from his hoodie  ,neel love this feeling that he is the only one who gets this view....he could not hold himself anymore he started devouring malang skin.....


Neel not there~

"so now you are ordering me huh"said neel in an authoritative tone.

Malang got scared by the words he knew what is coming.....

"n-no i-i did no-t-"

Neel didn't let malang complete the sentence and seal his lips by his own  ...... Let's just say malang got some some lessons learn in bedroom
2 hours later

Malang emerged from the room exhausted, It was then he remembered the neglected glass, still under the running tap, now filled to the brim with war..."

With a chuckle, Malang thought about the amusing interruptions in their daily routine, moments that added spice and joy to their shared life.
Their laughter lingered in the air as they resumed their day. Malang couldn't help but reflect on the warmth that permeated their relationship – a blend of love, playfulness, and shared routines.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the apartment, Malang and Neel decided to unwind. They settled on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms, discussing their day and dreams. The conversation flowed seamlessly, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and future aspirations.

Amidst the coziness, Malang playfully teased, "You really surprised me with that tap incident earlier," to which Neel chuckled, "Well, a bit of spontaneity keeps things interesting, doesn't it?" Their banter continued, a testament to the comfort and camaraderie they shared.

The evening unfolded with shared activities – watching a favorite movie, experimenting with a new recipe for dinner, and stealing kisses in between. Neel, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, suggested a spontaneous dance session in the living room, music playing softly in the background. Their laughter echoed through the apartment as they moved to the rhythm, creating cherished memories.

As nightfall descended, Malang and Neel found themselves on the balcony, wrapped in blankets, gazing at the city lights. The quietude of the night was broken only by the whispers of their shared dreams and aspirations. Neel spoke softly, "I'm grateful for every moment with you," and Malang replied, "Me too, love. Our journey is a beautiful adventure."

With a shared glance, they knew that the weekend had become another chapter in the story of their love. As they retired to bed, arms entwined, the promise of tomorrow brought a sense of anticipation and contentment – a love story unfolding in the ordinary yet extraordinary moments of their lives.

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