LX. The Sanctuary of Death

Start from the beginning

"Get off of me! I had to!" the man protests, his voice desperate and filled with remorse as the couple holds him back, struggling against their grip.

Abraham grunts as Nathan tackles him to the ground, the force of the impact resonating through the air. Nathan's hands close around Abraham's throat, fingers tightening in a desperate attempt to choke the life out of him. The other man manages to break free from Rick and Michonne's hold, a wild look in his eyes, fueled by desperation and rage.

With a decisive calmness, Madeleine doesn't hesitate, raising her gun at the man and a sharp report of her gun echoes in the air as she shoots the man square in the head. The sudden silence that follows is punctuated by the lifeless thud of his body hitting the ground. Madeleine walks over to Abraham, standing behind Nathan with her gun at his head.

Nathan glances back at Madeleine, his hands still on Abraham's throat. "Stay back! Anybody who tries to stop me is killing my brother!"

Without a second thought, Madeleine shoots him in the head as well. The cold finality of the act hangs in the air as she turns her attention to the women who witnessed the gruesome scene of her friends ending.

With a calculated calmness, she points her gun at her, the muzzle unwavering. "Let me give you my condolences."

"You bitch," the woman spits out, her anger and grief boiling over.

Undeterred, the woman attempts to rush towards Madeleine, driven by a mix of despair and fury. Madeleine reacts quickly, firing a shot that finds its mark in the woman's leg. The woman crumples to the ground, a cry of pain escaping her lips. Michonne steps forward, her movements precise and controlled, as she raises her katana to the woman's throat.

"Drop it now!" One of the spear guards demands, their voice cutting through the tension like a knife, the guards surrounding the Alexandrian group.

Madeleine remains steadfast, her gun raised at the woman, finger poised on the trigger. "I don't think I will."

Rick strides over to stand beside his daughter, a mirror image with his gun pointed at the spear-wielding soldiers. Both of them tilt their heads in unison, sharing a look with each other.

"Everyone, this is over!" Jesus intervenes with an authoritative voice, rushing to position himself in between the conflicting groups. "It's over. He was our friend, but let's not pretend he was anything more than a coward who attacked us. He did this. And these people stopped them."

Rick, his gun still raised, addresses Jesus. "What can I do?"

"Put the guns away. Both of you." Jesus demands, a firmness in his tone that brooks no argument. "You've done enough."

Reluctantly, they lower their weapons, a tangible release of the tension that had gripped the scene. The metallic clatter as the guns find their holsters reverberates through the air. The spear guards eye Rick and Madeleine warily, their posture a mix of caution and wariness.

Madeleine shrugs, a dismissed tone laced with her words, "Collateral damage."

"You need to know that things aren't as simple as they might seem. Just give me some time." Jesus asserts, his eyes scanning the faces of those gathered around.

Without waiting for further response, he runs over to assist Gregory, diverting attention away from the tense atmosphere.

Daryl's gaze lingers on his wife as she approaches him, the rest of the group busying themselves with carrying Gregory inside the infirmary to attend to his wounds. The couple remains slightly withdrawn, finding a quiet moment amidst the unfolding events.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now