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summary: minghao struggles to capture your essence in his artwork but receives unexpected help and collaboration from you. together, you transform the piece, adding personal touches and finishing touches, culminating in a shared moment of affection and pride.


minghao sat at his cluttered desk, his pencil tapping against the sheet of paper, his mind up in the clouds. he wanted to capture the essence of you, his girlfriend, but every stroke seemed to fall short.

as he gazed at the blank page, memories of your laughter and the sparkle in your eyes flooded his mind.

determined to convey his love, he picked up his pencil, each stroke infused with admiration, embarking on the journey to capture your essence with every line drawn.

the soft curve of your smile, the gentle arc of your brow, he meticulously crafted each detail, pouring his heart into every line. with each stroke, he felt closer to encapsulating the essence of you, his muse, his love. and as the image began to take shape, he couldn't help but smile.

with a determined gleam in his eyes, minghao set aside his pencil and reached for his paintbrush, eager to bring his creation to life.

"tsk," minghao clicked his tongue as he leaned back in his chair. his once eager energy now replaced with the weight of uncertainty. an artist's block gripped him, his mind struggling to conjure the next stroke.

"lost in thought," you observe, watching minghao's furrowed brow and distant gaze. he startles slightly at the sound of your voice, turning around to meet your eyes. "what's on your mind, love?" you inquire softly.

minghao rises from his seat, his hands gently resting on your shoulders as he turns you around, urging you to leave his study, "why didn't you knock?"

"i did. thrice even, but..."

"oh, i apologize,"

"minghao, my love, i already saw what you drew,"

minghao halts, a flicker of surprise crossing his features as he processes your words. "you did?"

you nod, recalling the art piece you saw a few seconds ago in your mind. it was a semi-realistic art you saw of yourself.

minghao lets you sit beside him as you take the incomplete work of art into your hands, looking at it with awe. "i didn't intend for you to see it yet," he admits.

wordlessly, you gesture him to hand you the paint brush.

with that, you dip the paintbrush into water and resume working on the piece.

you bear in mind that minghao's usual art style differs significantly. typically leans towards abstract representations, often portraying landscapes, and relishes the emotional dialogue he shares with the canvas while painting.

"i used to think that self-portraits are for narcissists," you chuckle softly, breaking the silence that enveloped the room as you continue to work on minghao's piece.

with a pause in your brushstrokes, you gently pass the halfway-done artwork to minghao, inviting him to take over and add his personal touch. "make my bottom lip coral pink," you suggest, a hint of playfulness in your tone, "and add a touch of shine under my eyes."

minghao accepts the canvas with a mixture of gratitude and determination, his fingers brushing over the surface as he carefully considers your instructions.

with a newfound sense of purpose, he picks up the paintbrush and begins to add the final details, his strokes infused with a renewed sense of clarity and intention.

and as the artwork nears completion, minghao can't help but feel a swell of pride and satisfaction, knowing that together, you've created something truly special. finally, as the artwork finishes, minghao adds his signature.

"love? im done," he enters the bedroom, seeing you doing your makeup. he recalls: you were gonna hangout with your girlfriends this evening. "you look gorgeous, my love," he compliments, kissing the crown of your head, making sure your makeup isn't ruined.

"would you do me the honor of adding your signature?" he asks, a gentle smile playing on his lips. but minghao's request doesn't end there. "could you add a lipstick stain instead," he suggests, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

"of course," you reply with a smile, taking the painting from him. with a tender gesture, you press your lips to the corner of the canvas, right below where he had signed. and then, turning to minghao, you lean in to kiss him, leaving a similar mark on his cheek as you share a moment of playful affection.

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