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summary: your husband helps your daughter ride her bike. ara gains confidence with his support, falling but trying again. they share a lighthearted moment. you capture the memories, and jeonghan smiles, knowing you'll cherish them.


in the soft glow of the late afternoon sun, jeonghan knelt beside your daughter, a colorful bike standing proudly before them.

you observed from aside, holding the phone as you record the moment, a gentle smile gracing your lips, knowing that today would be a moment etched in the memories forever.

jeonghan knelt beside — carefully adjusting the helmet on your daughter's head. "alright, sweetheart, just like we practiced," he encouraged.

she nods, "you promise you will not let go?"

jeonghan smiled warmly, his hand firmly gripping the backseat of the bike. "lets start, hm?"

you couldn't help but feel a wave of concern — your concern was a natural response to seeing your daughter navigate this new experience.

"hey, don't worry," jeonghan whispered to you, as ara pushed off, having a wobbly start.

you held your breath, watching with a mix of concern and hope as you press recording. jeonghan maintained his supportive grip on the backseat, offering steady motivation.

jeonghan's encouragement remained unwavering, a steady anchor for ara's tentative pedaling. then, in a pivotal moment, he slowly released his grip on the backseat, allowing ara to navigate on her own without her knowing. ara's laughter filled the air as she pedaled with confidence as she was oblivious.

you held the camera, ensuring it captured the unfolding moment.

"she's doing great," jeonghan whispers to you before yelling and telling ara the same, "you're doing great sweetheart!"

"eh? papa? papa!?"

"keep looking ahead!" you yell — lowering the phone.

as ara realized the absence of her father's supporting hand. jeonghan grinned, watching her reaction, a glint of pride in his eyes. "you've got this, ara! just keep pedaling straight," he called out.

"i...papa, im doing it! ma, im doing it!"

while she keeps pedaling, she encounters a stone — a little bigger than normal once as she clashes it and falls. a gasp escapes your lips. jeonghan rushes forward, concern etched on his face. the camera captures the moment, freezing in time as you instinctively shove the phone in your pocket, running towards her.

"sweetheart, are you okay?" you ask, worry evident in your voice as you reach out to check on her, seeing a little scrap on her knee. tears fill her eyes as you hug her, "its ok, sweety, its alright,"

you cradle ara in your arms, comforting her after the fall. jeonghan joins you, concern etched on his face as he checks on her scraped knee. ara sniffles, tears rolling down her cheeks, and you reassure her with soothing words.

"ara-ya," jeonghan calls, "look here," jeonghan says, picking up the fallen bicycle, and sitting on it, making ara wipe her tear and giggle.

"what are you doing, papa?" she laughs, looking at her papa as he tries to ride the bicycle too little for him.

as ara giggled at her father's comical attempt to ride the small bicycle, jeonghan joined in the laughter, creating a lighthearted moment to ease the tension. he fake falls, crouching on the concert, faking a groan of pain.

"you know, papa doesnt know how to ride the bike,"


"hm! go show him how to,"

and ara does. telling her papa to step aside. jeonghan helps ara adjust the seat as she hops on it. "you sure you don't want me to hold this time?"

"hm!" she nods, starting wobbly, but soon getting the hang of it.

jeonghan looks back at you, his smile growing as he notices you preserving the beautiful moment with your phone.

"i know how to ride a bicycle, by the way."

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