Lily OC

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Name: Lily Nightshade

Nickname: Shade

Personality: Mysterious, witty, and fiercely independent.

Age: 21

Height: 8ft

Weight: 242 lbs

Gender: Female

Species: Goetia Owl

Hobbies: Night strolls, reading ancient texts, and mastering dark magic.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Elegant and alluring, with a hint of danger.

Wears: A flowing black cloak, adorned with silver crescent moon symbols, and knee-high leather boots.

Occupation: Freelance occult consultant and occasional bounty hunter.

Crush: Andrealphus

Friends: Stella, Striker

Enemies: Blitzø

Likes: Starlit skies, ancient curses, and enchanted artifacts.

Dislikes: Betrayal, overly bright environments, and holy water.

Others: Possesses a unique amulet that enhances her magical abilities.

Voice Claim: Vanessa Marshall's sultry and mysterious tone.

Backstory: Born into a family with ties to demonic realms, Lily seeks to navigate her identity while confronting dark forces threatening both worlds.

Job: Offers her expertise in dealing with supernatural problems, from curses to rogue demons.

Fears: Losing control of her demonic side and endangering those she cares about.

Family: A distant demonic ancestor and a decreased Goetia Owl mother.

Best friends: Andrealphus

Pronouns: She/her

Status: Lone owl with a mysterious past.

Traits: Enigmatic, resourceful, and adept in dark magic.

Magic: Lily possesses shadow manipulation, enabling her to cloak, create illusions, and cast potent spells. Her magical prowess is amplified by a unique amulet, enhancing her dark arts.

Weapons: Lily wields a concealed obsidian-bladed dagger, a staff adorned with ancient symbols, and a spectral bow formed from shadows, firing dark-energy-infused arrows for stealth and ranged combat.

Powers: Shadow mastery, illusion casting, spellcraft, and heightened magical abilities granted by her unique amulet.

Skills: Lily excels in stealth, tracking, and deciphering ancient texts. Her sharp intellect and quick thinking make her a formidable problem solver in the supernatural realm.

Worst enemies: Blitzø

Sidekick: Andrealphus

Lily Nightshade's Outfit:

- A flowing, midnight-black cloak adorned with arcane symbols, billowing mysteriously as she moves.
- An intricately designed amulet hanging from a silver chain around her neck, emitting a subtle, ominous glow.
- Form-fitting, dark leather gloves that allow for precise spellcasting and enhance her connection to the shadows.
- A fitted bodysuit, blending seamlessly with the darkness, accented by subtle patterns resembling feathers.
- Knee-high, laced-up boots with engraved runes along the edges, providing both style and mystical protection.


- Long, onyx-black hair cascading down her back, often concealing one side of her face for an added air of mystery.
- Eyes shimmering with an otherworldly glow, revealing her connection to the demonic realm.
- Sharp features, with a hint of feline grace in her movements.
- A subtle, dark tattoo on her wrist, a mark of her lineage and a reminder of her mystical heritage.
- Standing at 8ft, she possesses an imposing presence, blending elegance with an aura of foreboding.

Information: Lily Nightshade, aka Shade, a mysterious Goetia Owl with a sultry voice, roams the supernatural realm armed with shadow manipulation, a concealed dagger, and a spectral bow. Her freelance occult consultancy often leads her into encounters with dark forces, all while navigating her identity and confronting the threat of losing control. With her unique amulet, she enhances her magical abilities, creating an alluring and dangerous presence in the mystical world. Lily's journey unfolds against a backdrop of ancient curses, enchanted artifacts, and the pursuit of her crush, Andrealphus, as she remains a lone owl with a mysterious past, haunted by enemies like Blitzø.

Goals: Getting friends and talk to.

Free time: Talk to his Demon cat.

Pets: Demon cat.

Pets name: Misty.

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