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"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."

After getting ready, Maya gracefully descended the stairs, her saree elegantly draped around her

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After getting ready, Maya gracefully descended the stairs, her saree elegantly draped around her. Pausing at the foot of the staircase, she took a moment to ensure everything was in place before venturing further. The luxurious living room greeted her, its opulence echoing the warmth of the family that inhabited it. Yet, she found it oddly deserted.

"What will I do now? It's my first day here, and I don't know where everyone went," Maya pondered aloud, her voice echoing faintly in the spacious room.

Suddenly, the sound of laughter and chatter drifted from the direction of the kitchen, drawing Maya's attention like a magnet.

"I think Maa is there. I'll go to her," she mused, following the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee that permeated the air.

Entering the kitchen, Maya was enveloped in the inviting scent of coffee and found her mother-in-law, Devika, busy at the counter, skillfully chopping vegetables talking with a maid.

"Good morning, Maa," Maya greeted softly, a gentle smile gracing her lips as she approached Devika. The maid wished her morning and went out.

Devika turned, her eyes lighting up with maternal affection. "Good morning, Maya. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Maa. I slept very well," Maya replied, her voice carrying the serenity of a restful night.

"That's good. Would you like some coffee?" Devika offered, already reaching for a cup.

"Thank you, Maa," Maya accepted the cup gratefully, feeling a sense of warmth in the simple gesture.

"Come sit with me. We will talk," Devika said, guiding Maya to a chair beside her.

As they savored their coffee, Devika inquired about Ekansh. "Did Ekansh wake up? He hasn't come down yet."

Maya blinked, momentarily caught off guard. "Um, he woke up a few minutes ago. He's getting ready," she replied, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Devika's eyes twinkled mischievously as she teased Maya about Ekansh's tardiness. Maya blushed, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Maa, is something wrong?" Maya questioned, her curiosity piqued by Devika's teasing smile.

Devika chuckled. "Nothing, dear. It's just that Ekansh usually wakes up early. But it's alright, I understand."

Maya's cheeks flushed with warmth as Devika playfully pinched her cheek, her heart swelling with the love and acceptance she felt in her new family.

As Devika busied herself in the kitchen, Maya was overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. For the first time, she experienced the unconditional love of a mother, a stark contrast to the indifference she had known. All she faced was selfishness and ignorance and sometimes anger from everyone around her

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