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Who knew that Harry could summon people too? As soon as he said it, the elevator doors opened and Fury came in. Why does he dress like a pirate?

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," I heard Stark mutter under his breath.

Harry stood up and walked up to Fury, each step full of determination and power. Fury studied Harry and when he finished doing so, the tip of his lips went up for a few seconds. But Harry noticed, a smirk growing on his face because of it.

"Let's get you all patched up and then we can talk business, yes?" I knew that he was only asking Harry, even if it did sound as if he was asking everyone in the room.


As we walked to whatever room we were going now, I reached Fury, who was at the front.

"Why do you dress like a pirate?" I asked him. I knew that both of my brothers were glaring at me. "And why wear an eye patch? Did you lose your eye?"

"Yes, Jackson, I lost my eye."


"I trusted someone I shouldn't have."

I bet it was someting stupid, like Jason trying to eat that stapler. Who would Jason marry, the brick or the stapler?

"I hate backstabbers," I told him. Why couldn't he understand that I was trying to make small talk?

"Everyone does, now zip it," Harry muttered at me. 

I, being the mature one, stuck my tongue out at him. I then walked a bit slower, allowing Peter to catch up to me. When he did, I placed my arm on his shoulders and leaned on to him. He didn't question it and neither did the Avengers, so I left my arm there.

Once we arrived to the hospital room (I know it wasn't a hospital, but it looked just like one) it didn't take long  to patch us up. Harry's magic had started to heal him and the water particles in the air had started to heal me, so we weren't that bad. Some of the Avengers looked worse than us, oops.

"Now that you're all healed, let's talk business," Fury said, leading us to another room.

Why did they have so many rooms? Did they really have to use one room for every different thing? Could we have just stayed in one room?

Going to this new room didn't take as long, but I still got bored. When we arrived, I noticed that it was a meeting room. It had one huge oval shaped table at the middle with chairs all around it. At one end of the table there was a board and I think I could spot a projector on the ceiling. 

Before I sat on a chair, Harry discreetly waved his hand over the chair and then nodded at me, letting me know that it was safe to sit there. He then did the same for his chair, frowning slightly.  I guess there was something there, but he took care of it, if not then he wouldn't have sat there. 


"So, Fury-" I stared to say.

"Mr Fury if you will, let's us our proper titles, Mr Potter," Fury corrected me. Our proper titles he says? Well then, he asked for it. 

I smirked slightly, I saw Percy trying to stop a grin from appearing and Tony had covered his mouth with hin hands.

"In that case, it's Lord Potter-Peverell-Black-Slytherin-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw-Emerys. Now, as I was going to say before you so rudely interrupted me, why did you order your people to go after us?"

Fury blinked a couple of times, or was it winked? He quickly recomposed himself and breathed in deeply. "I'm not going to be repeating all your lordships, althought it is very suspicious that you have so many and you're not even of age, is calling you Lord Potter fine?" When I nodded he continued. "Okay, Lord Potter. Many SHIELD agents from all over the world have reported to me strange activity that the both of you have done. Yours mostly in Britain and Mr Jackson's mostly in the US, although an important amount of it was done in Greece and Italy."

"And your point it?"

"I wanted answers-"

"Oh boo-hoo!" Percy exclaimed. "I want a lot of things, but life's not fair. Cry a river, build a bridge and get over it, like everyone else has had to do."

"Shut up, will you? I'm trying to get us out of this mess, half of which you've made!" I scolded him, slapping the back of his head.

"You didn't have to hit me!" he complained, but he still did as I told him to.

"You wanted answers to what exactly?" I asked Fury, as if Percy hadn't interrupted our comversation with his childish, but true, remarks.

"I want answers to why and how those things happened. I need to see if you two are a danger to the public."

"Well, one thing that I can tell you is that we won't be answering your questions then, we don't know if we can trust you or not."

"And nobody likes backstabbers!" Percy joined in, making a reference to his past conversation with Fury. "Plus, we aren't a danger to the public. I even help some of my friends with picking up rubbish from the beach and other similar things."

An awkward silence settled in, only to be interrupted by a screeching that I knew too well. The screeching of an owl. 

Everyone jumped in surprise when the owl flew into the room, with the exception of Peter, Percy and Tony, who looked like he was going to piss himself from the look on his face.

"What the hell is that doing here?!" he shouted, probably hoping that it wasn't for him.

"Don't worry, it's here because of me," I told them, letting the owl rest on my shoulder. The owl then stretched his claw out and I took the letter that it had attached. "Go to my house, you'll find food and water there and you can rest as long as you need," I told the owl.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 26 ⏰

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