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Let me tell you, the Avenger's Tower (previously Stark Tower, as Stark reminded us) looked like a lama. Annabeth had once told me about how amazing the architecture and the design was, but I could only see a over-grown, metal lama.

I looked at Harry to see his reaction. He only raised one eyebrow, probably questioning the building's strange choice of shape.

"It looks like a lama."

Stark did not like my opinion. He gave me a slight glare and crossed his arms angrily like a five year old. Clint grinned, Natalia tried to hide a small smile, Thor looked confused and Rogers gave me the eyebrows of dissapointment. I couldn't see Peter's face because of the mask, although Harry looked at me with an expression that easily said "Dude, seriously?"

We walked through multiple corridors and went up an elevator, then we walkthed through more corridors. We came to a sudden stop when we arrived to another corridor. Why did they all look the same? It was so confusing.

They separated Harry from the group and took him to one of the rooms. Are they going to question us? That's gonna be fun, for me, not for them.

My questioning room was plain white, a couple of cameras on the corners, a thick metal door and a large mirror in front of the table. It's probably one of those mirrors that there's a room behind and they can see me but I can't see them. Creepy.

Captain America came in, closing the door behind him. He was still wearing his suit, his helmet was off and the shield was strapped to his back.

"Mr Jackson-"

"That makes me feel old," I protested. "Plus, Mr Jackson is my dad. Actually, that's not right, I am Mr Jackson. Nobody calls me that, though."


"Only the people that want to kill me call me that." Ha! I was annoying him! His jaw was clentched in frustration.

"We will come back to that later on. What should I call you then?"

"Percy, unless you really want to kill me, then use Perseus." I'm not wrong, am I? All the monsters (and sometimes the gods too) call me Perseus. Monsters only come to me to kill me.

"Okay. So we know that your mother is Sally Jackson, but who's your father?"

I'll go for the same thing that mom used to tell me before I knew that I was a demigod. "He was lost at sea before I could meet him."

"Did your mother ever tell you who he was?"

Duh, Poseidon.



So I'm questioning a teenager that might have daddy issues and that has people who have wanted to kill him. What's wrong with this generation?

"How old are you?" I asked him. I still haven't extracted any piece of good information.

"How old would you say that I am?" Percy replied cheekily.

"I'm not here to play games, just answer my question!" I was tired, I was hungry and now I was getting angry. I'm just asking simple questions!

"I'm not here to play games!" he mimicked me. "And I didn't want to be here in first place. Life's not fair, deal with it."

Before I could get more frustrated, I left the room. I went to the room behind the mirror, where all my team had been watching me talk to Percy.

"That kid is more annoying than me!" Tony managed to gasp between laughs. Clint and Thor were also laughing, while Natasha had a small grin. Bruce didn't have any reaction, he was just staring at Percy swinging on the two back legs of the chair.

"Tony, try questioning Potter," Bruce said, heading to the next room.


Wow, I'm going to question someone who might hate me and that I already know everything about. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't know him?


I opened the door to Harry's questioning room. His bright, toxic, green eyes snapped towards me, following every movement that I did.

"Nice to see you again, Pottah," I greeted him.

"I'd like to say likewise, but I would've liked to know that you were alive," he said back coldly, his feet proped on the table and his arms crossed across his chest, giving my a slight glare.

"Look, lets not make it about me." The Avengers didn't know about me being a wizard and they didn't need to know.

"When isn't it about you," he rolled his eyes. "You were the second most famous, after me of course. If it wasn't because of some prank you had pulled, it was because of someone you had fucked. If it wasn't any of those, then it was because the amount of detentions and points you lost or the fights you got into."

"Oh come on!" I complained. "I didn't fuck that many people! And you enjoyed our detentions together, specially those with Professor..."

"You can talk freely, the cameras and microphones aren't working right now. They can only see us through the window mirror thing. But what they see and hear is you asking me questions and me not giving you answers."

I sighed. I covered my face with my hands, knowing what I had to do. I first removed my glamour that made me look like a thirty or fourty year old instead of the twenty year old that I am. I walked around the table and stood next to Harry with my arms wide open. He instantly jumped up and trapped me in a tight hug that I gladly responded to.

"I'm sorry," I apologised. "I'm so so sorry."

"Then why did you leave us?" Harry's voice no longer held any anger against me. It was weak and small.

"I couldn't have SHIELD start to suspect anything. If they found out, that would put all of you in danger, I couldn't have that."

"And why didn't you tell us that. We thought you had died!" Harry burried his head in my chest as he's muffled voice protested.

I started to ran my fingers through his hair, soothing him down a little. "I didn't have enough time to think of a proper plan. I also thought that it would be better if I left you with a good memory of me intead of one that reminded you that I abandoned you all. Mainly because I didn't know if I could've gone back."

Harry huffed, not letting go of me.

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