Ch-11.The Riddle of the Turban

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Hadrian POV-

Something was fishy , by that I mean the smell coming out of Quirrell's Turban. Well it smelled more like Garlic everyone just assumed that it was because he was afraid of Vampires. But going on assumptions is really not my thing.

It's been a whole month since the troll incident , Moony obviously flipped out when he heard about it and sent back a very long letter concerned about my well being. Ever since the day Quirrell has been acting more weird than usual he keeps staring at me from afar, I feel violated.

Either he's a pedophile in love with me or he wants to curse me seeing the eye contact he makes with me in the hallways. I haven't mentioned it to anybody as I may be overthinking and he just may be a normal weirdo in his natural habitat. I'm not too sure.

I also get a weird sting in my scar during his class the pain gets worsened as he turns around. I don't know what is happening to me.

Today is a weekend , everyone has slept in and most older year students have gone to hogsmead that means I can go into the Library and read in peace without anyone meddling their long noses in my business. 

I walk into the Library and wander into the forbidden section (Madam Pince was not there anyways) and grab a few books - some about demons and evil spirits possessing humans , one about getting rid of vampires and some other random books. I put them in my bag ,slip out of the forbidden section . I pick a small secluded area at the back of the library to start my reading it felt disgusting to sit there since there were 'rumors' that this was a common make out spot.

Anyways I began my research and found out a lot of new but unhelpful information. 

I had spent around 3 hours reading , I should keep the books back before Madam Pince finds out and punishes me. There was one last book left , I hadn't read it so I took it with me , I stuffed it to the bottom of my bag and hoped that no one would spot me.

It was my lucky day as nobody had suspected anything, I walked into the Great hall for breakfast trying not to appear too suspicious. Well it worked, Thank Merlin.

The day went on as usual , none of my friends suspected anything and we all had a great time playing exploding snap and chess.

It was the night now , everyone was asleep so I decided to remove the book atlast and read it , curiosity was killing me. I carefully removed the book , put my blanket over myself casted lumos and placed the book on my lap.

'Secrets of the Darkest Art' , said the title.

The title was something that has caught my eye from afar. It was a unusual item to see at hogwarts as dark arts were something frowned upon by society now a days especially Dumbledore who was seen as some sort of 'leader of the right side'.

I felt suffocated holding it , It seemed to be containing knowledge that I wasn't sure if I wanted to know this early into my life.

But if not now then when ?

When was I ever going to get another opportunity to sneak into the restricted section and get a book like such without being caught?

probably never.

So I decided to read it.

I must have spent the whole night reading it , It was too compelling to put down . I flipped through the pages , my eyes widening with every piece of new information. 

'Horcrux' was something I came across that caught my attention , it was fascinating to know that one could be practically immortal but I didn't quite understand how they worked. There was limited information about them in the book . I should ask somebody about it.

Maybe Snape he seems like a knowledgeable man or Quirrell as he is the defence teacher, I'll come up with a excuse later.

The book introduced me to a lot . Information I definitely would never have come across in my lifetime, it piqued my interest towards the dark arts.

The book seemed never ending , It contained more than it showed.

I quickly put the book inside my bag and got up to go get ready for the day , I was surprised and thankful that no one woke up.

I proceeded on with my day lost in thought. I considered asking Snape but decided against it and ultimately ended up on asking Quirrell about the book.

I stayed back after the DADA class , I was nervous . I hadn't even thought about the punishment he might give me for snooping or what excuse I was gonna give him.

" Yes, Mr.Black D-d-did you want t-to ask m-m-me s-s-something ?" Quirrell asked.

Well here goes nothing.

"Sir , I came across a piece of information that caught my eye. It was something along the lines of a Horcrux . I wanted to know more about it. I was wondering if you knew anything about it."

Quirrell's eye widened and he seemed to have gone numb , he slowly turned around and started to remove his turban. I was trying my hardest to keep my composure but the pain in my scar was killing me.

The pain was too much to handle, the last thing I remember before blacking out is a blurry face smiling at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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