Ch-1.The night it all began..

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The night of samihan (have I spelled it right?) The night everything ended all the love all the attention everything.
It all begun with a bang of the door and ended with absolute silence.
Lily and James Potter were  a beautiful young couple blessed with two twin boys, the oldest being Hadrian 'harry' Sirius Potter with bright, mesmerizing killing curse green eyes and pretty hazel hair.For a baby he had lost most of his baby fat and was a calm and quiet baby.
The youngest Charlus James Potter was quite an opposite he was very chubby baby with  brown eyes those which had specks of green in it and red hair .He was loud and an attention seeker. He hated if anybody gave attention to Hadrian and cried a lot.

It was a peacefull night and Lily and James were fawning over there two cute baby boys.
There was loud thud heard outside causing James to go and check outside.

Lily took the twins and ran to their nursery and locked the door placing the twins in their and started murmuring comforting them, keeping her wand gripped tightly in one hand.

Voldemort POV-
Wormtail a coward yet useful spy informed me about the potters and their hideing space. They has so foolish to change this worthless piece of trash as their secrect keeper.
I reached their house and blasted their door down just to reveal that blood traitor Potter , before he could say a word I stunned him and headed upstairs to the kids nursery where I suspect they will be and to my surprise I find them their with their mudblood mother.
How much I wanted to kill her i didn't because of the promise I had made to one of my inner circle members.I sent  a quick stunner at her and proceeded towards the twin's cribs, one crib was green and labeled 'Hadrian' inside there was a baby with killing curse eyes just staring me with pure curiosity unlike the boy who was just bawling his eyes out , they had a separate magical core as well they boy with the green eyes had the strongest core I had ever witnessed and the other one just had a one just above a squib.
I looked at raven haired boy and said "so you are the one to defeat me , it's such waste of magic but I have to this".
I shouted Avada kedavra at him but the curse backfired at me and everything went black.

Sirius POV-
I feel that something's wrong and go to check on Peter when I find his house empty I rush to the potters to see if they are fine, when I reach there I find the house in ruins and rush inside just to find James on the floor "JAMES?prongs buddy wake up"
Sirius? Sirius LILY AND THE KIDS !!

We rush upstairs towards the nursery to find Lily unconscious on the ground and Charlus bawling his eyes out.

There was broken glass everywhere and the room was a mess like if a explosion had taken place.

James POV-

I headed towards Lily's unconscious body to try and wake her up hoping she wasn't dead while Sirius headed towards the floo to contact the order members and Dumbledore.

I walked towards Lily and bent over shaking her violently, "LILY?LILYKINS?LILS? WAKE UP PLEASE." 

Lily's eyes flutter open slowly and she gets up and says, "James? My babies James my Babies!?'

"They are okay Lilykins." "Dumbledore and the rest of the order is on their way Lils don't worry"

Lily POV-

I open my eyes slowly and I panic but hearing James's voice calm down a bit then I rush towards my son's cribs when i reach near them i see Sirius near Hadrian so I go and pick up Charlus and start comforting him at that time the order and dumbledore arrive by the floo one by one

I hear James asking Dumbledore who was the one who defeated you-know-who and then dumbledore come towards me and takes charlus from me and starts to examine him.

Third Person POV-

Dumbledore goes towards Lily and examines Charlus then he places him in the crib while going towards Hadrian and doing the same to him after a few minutes of thinking he finally replies that Charlus is the Boy-who-lived, after he tells the order members to go away he convinces the Potters to leave Hadrian with Lily's Magic hating sister and her family. The Potters reluctantly agree but Sirius wasn't having it breaks his friendship with the potters and goes away angrily as Dumbledore doesn't listen to him.

He knew what to do.... 

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