"I don't get it," she stood up. "You still don't trust me? For God's sake! I ask you to be my fucking girlfriend, you know what that means?"

"I trust, it's just that, what if they're right?"

I didn't know what it was that a part of me believed that at some point she would back the way she was before. She didn't want a relationship after what happened with Normani. She already tried with one of those idiots and it didn't work.

What if it doesn't work with me too?

"They are not! I don't care about what they think and you shouldn't too." she said angrily. 

I got up out of bed to face her and she looked at me furiously. Even with the low light of my lamp I could see her eyes burning.

"How can I ignore when they're so sure that you will get tired of me at some point? They said you always do." I hissed.

I was trying to let my voice low although it was impossible and Lauren didn't care that my mother was sleeping on the other side of the hall.

"And you think you're going to make this easier if you break up with me?" she shook her head in disbelief. "You'll just prove that they are right."

"That's not what I want to do, I just—" I took a deep breath.

"You're creating problems where there aren't any." she said, a bit more calm but I could feel that she was upset. "Everything was perfect just the way it was and you ruined it."

I ran a hand through my hair and I looked down, I could feel her eyes staring at me even though I avoided looking at her.

We stayed silent for a few seconds or minute, I don't know. Lauren sat on my bed, she held her head in her hands and I kept standing. All we heard was the sound of our breathing that was slowly settling. I chose not to say anything more about that, even though in the corner of my mind that thought remained. Not only that but the fear that no matter how much she denies, it could happen.

"I don't want to lose you." I said quietly.

Lauren got out of bed and came close to me. "Babe, you won't." she whispered.

She gently cupped my face and made me look at her. Just the thought that she might go made my heart ache in my chest.

"Nobody knows me better than myself, and I know what I want." she assured me.

Lauren pressed her lips gently against mine. "And I want you." she whispered in my lips. "You're the only one that matters to me."

She spoke so strongly that made me forget all this madness for a moment. I wanted to forget, I didn't want to deal with them. They couldn't ruin my time here with her if they were far from us, and it was that thought I kept focused.

I crashed my lips against hers again, kissing her deeply. That was enough, here and now. It was all I had to worry about. In how much the touch of her lips made me feel good. Or her hands that wandered to my neck and pulled me even closer to her. Lauren deepened the kiss, our lips moving calmly and I would spend the whole world time kissing her without getting tired.

Lauren gently brought me back to bed, laying her body over mine and joining our lips again. I quickly laced my fingers in her hair, kissing her hungrily. She set between my legs, her hands easily wandering down my thighs to my waist, her nails making my body shiver with simple touch.

Her fingers wandered further up, they were cold but I could feel my skin warm underneath them. Lauren smiled happy against my lips when she found no barriers between her hand and my breast. I kept her mouth busy with mine as her hand massaged my breast tortuously slowly making escape a whine between my lips.

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