our secret (part one)

Start from the beginning

On arrival Siraj was asked to answer some questions to confirm the patient's identity and verify their ID proof.

"Shubman Gill, 24 years old, blood group O+ve, cricketer" and he verified the Aadhar card that was presented. He also signed the papers approving the surgery.

Halfway through the previously informed two hour long surgery the nurse came out to ask the bystander to inform the patient's family.

Four men who were waiting for their mate to successfully go through the surgery and recover were now frozen in place with dread.

"Why ma'am,what happened? Is everything alright?", Hardik trying to keep his voice steady.

" Oh my god!!! Please say he's alright. Please please", Virat started crying.

But before anyone else could further escalate the situation, the nurse said in a calm loud voice.

" Aap log shant rahiye, he is doing really well. Immediate family's presence is mandatory at the earliest. Once the operation is done, the doctor needs to check with them the patient's medical history and family medical history for aftercare"

" We can provide you with the medical history", chimed in Shami with his phone open and dialing their team manager's number.

" That'll be great but you'll have to inform the family and ask them to come as soon as possible. Hospital policy". The nurse went back inside the OT making sure they understood the family needs to be here.

With the small but reassuring news that their friend was doing well they all sat down on the floor feeling the exhaustion of stress.

Informing the family was not an easy task but Virat being the leader he was took up the responsibility.

Thirty minutes later Shubman's parents and his sister were rushing into the corridor. When they saw Virat and co. they couldn't hold on any longer and broke down crying. Once the gang conveyed all the information they knew and assured them everything was alright, the family calmed down and waited patiently for any further information.

Sixty more minutes might have passed before the doctor came out and asked them all to follow him to his office.

"The operation has been a success and Shubman is doing great. We didn't encounter any complications during the procedure and we are shifting him to the ICU while we are speaking. We have to keep him under observation for twenty-four hours just to be safe. Other than that it seems he'll make a speedy recovery"

The room filled with the sighs of relief from the seven people huddled in.

For a little more insight the doctor asked the family to stay back along with one of the friends, Virat volunteered. The three others made their way to the ICU corridor. But what they saw was a little confusing and hard to believe.

Someone who resembled a lot like their rival team member, Ishan Kishan was making his way inside the ICU doors.
Having him here was in itself a shocking phenomenon but him going in there had them choking on air.

Siraj turned to Hardik, " that couldn't be right. Right?"

" I'm guessing you saw exactly what I saw? I'm not going crazy?"

"He might have heard about what happened and came to see him? "

Shami tried to be the voice of reason. But that wasn't even convincing to his own ears. Ishan getting informed about it when the media hasn't got a sniff was insane.

" Why would he be allowed in the I.C.U even if that was the case! ", Hardik literally screamed.

Siraj and Hardik took denial as their best answer and declared they might have mistaken someone else paying a visit to their dear ones in the ICU as Ishan. After all he was in safety gear just seeing the face wasn't enough confirmation. There are multiple patients in there. If it was indeed Ishan, he might be visiting someone else. Right, Right!?

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