Chapter 32: This.

Start from the beginning

"Hey, it's okay. Don't be sad, please." I knew pleads were useless though, seeing as his tears were dripping onto my shirt. 

"It just..reminds me so much of High School. People don't care if you sleep with a guy because you can just play it off with "I was drunk" or "no homo". But as soon as you start dating a guy.." He sighed deeply and I began to rub small circles on his back to attempt to give a sense of comfort. 

"I know, Anthony, I know. It sucks, it really does that in 2015 some people are still so closed-minded. But, one day you can live somewhere else, somewhere like a big city, where people are much more open."

"I've always wanted to live in L.A." I felt myself smiling as I leaned my head on top of his. 

"That's funny, I always have too."

I knew he was smiling even though I couldn't currently see it, "maybe we could go to together." 

I held him ever tighter against me. "Yeah, maybe one day."


Eventually, Anthony fell asleep. His breathing evened out and he relaxed in my arms. He sleeps like the dead, it shouldn't be too hard to slip away and do what I needed to. I carefully got him onto his back on the couch, placing a soft purple blanket over him right after. 

I slipped on my green Legend of Zelda sweater and grabbed Anthony's car keys from his jacket, which he'd left hanging on the coat rack. I walked over to him where he lay, kneeling down beside him as he lay on his side. 

He looked tranquil this way, when he's sleeping. Even with the black eye and bloody lip..he was still so, so beautiful. Effortlessly so. I trailed the back of my hand down his cheek before getting to my feet with a sigh. I've gotta do this now, before I chicken out. 

When I arrived at the house where Sawyer lived, the nerves were building up. He throws parties so often that I think everyone between the ages of eighteen and twenty-something knows where he lives. Anyway, that's off topic.

I straightened my shoulders and lifted my head high. I knocked on the door. Waited. 

Sawyer opened the door, face dropping into a scowl when he saw me. His jaw looks a little bit purple, a clear show of where Anthony hit him. "What do you want, Hecox?"

I cleared my throat. "I'm here because you need to stop being such an asshole. I don't care if you're insecure about who you are or whatever. Leave me and my boyfriend out of whatever you're doing." 

He smirked devilishly, leaning against his door-frame as if we were having the most casual discussion."And what'll you do if I don't stop? Get your boyfriend to punch me again?"

"You harassed him, he had the right to hit you." I leaned close to him, eyes narrowed in anger. "And if you don't stop, I'll report you to the police." 

"You have no proof you could give to the cops!" He exclaimed, leaning back into the safety of his house despite his strong words.

"Anthony's bruises. My own words. Your cyber bullying on me that I took a screen-shots of, oh how the list goes on!" 

He tensed his jaw, avoiding eye contact at all costs. "You don't have the guts to do that!"

I smirked, confidence showing in my demeanor. "Don't I though? Would you really want to test your luck? But, I'll be nice. Leave us alone and a word of this is never spoken again."

"Fine. Now just..go away." 

"Gladly. Nice doing business with ya'" I gave a little salute, turning to stride away with a renewed sense of relief. 

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