Chapter 24: Learning.

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A.N.: So someone told me I should post my list of ongoing stories I have out right now so here you go:

This story

Better Alone. (Ianthony Apocalypse AU)

Angel Heart (Ianthony AU)

Ianthony One Shots (Requests Open)

And that's it! Hope you kinda like the chapter and don't hate it too much:P

~Ian's POV~

It was kind of awkward, the kiss. Our body's were still damp from the water, but maybe that's a part of why it was Our bare torsos rubbed together as he wrapped me in his arms, my hands tangling into his hair by habit. His hands were larger than mine, able to connect between my hipbones as his hands rested on either side of my waist. I wanted to be close to him, in all ways.

My hands withdrew from his hair as his mouth drifted down my neck, my arms wrapping around his lower back, fingers splayed out against his smooth skin. ''Ian, Ian, Ian. The things I could do to you.."

I shook my head softly as his lips continued to move around my jawline, ''just because you're incredibly charming doesn't mean I'm going to have sex with you again."

He hummed against my skin, pleasant shivers running down my spine. ''That's what you said before we had sex the first time."

I blushed furiously, memories springing to mind of that night. The sounds he made, the way he moved. I sharply blinked, eliminating thoughts of the night that shall not be spoken about from my mind.

I didn't miss the way his hands moved to my upper back, how could I when every touch of his skin on mine sent off an array of feelings? I also didn't miss the way he pushed my back against the door, me opening my eyes once I realized what I was allowing to happen. I was the one who said nothing would happen between us and yet here I am with Anthony giving me a love bite in my bathroom as he holds me against the door.

His towel was hanging dangerously low on his body, hips and v-line exposed. I was just glad I'd decided to slip on pants and underwear previously. His lips trailed to my collarbone, going lower and lower.

I grabbed his hair, drawing out a moan from him when all I was meaning to do was stop his progress down my body. The sounds he could make..okay I need to stop getting off my train of thought here. His lips moved back up to press against mine, tongue against my lips. I shook my head, pulling away to draw in panting breaths. ''Anthony, no more. No more."

He groaned, ''come on Ian! Let loose a little bit!"

"Fix your towel and put on the clothes I lent you, I'll be making breakfast if you need anything," I whispered, slipping out the door and making my escape.


My eggs were good to go, Anthony's oatmeal with fruit on top was nearly ready when I felt arms wrap around my now clothed waist. ''Hey Ian, you're a huge tease. You know that?"

I smiled, continuing to arrange the strawberries carefully on top of the oatmeal as he just held me from behind (sounds wrong). "Oh and sorry I took so long, had to call my neighbor and ask her to feed Pip for me.''

"It's okay," I handed him his bowl of food. "Now go eat the food I made you. And even if it sucks pretend to like it."

He just shook his head as he took a seat at the table, waiting for me to sit down with my eggs and buttered toast. I felt bad for eating it in front of him, but too late I guess. I shot him an apologetic smile to try and make up for it and he just grinned back as he shoveled a spoonful of oatmeal and strawberries into his mouth.

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