CHAPTER - 1 (50%)

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Amidst the hustle and bustle of a group of people, who were slowly leaving the cinema when the film ended, there was a young woman walking arm in arm with a handsome young man as well. They both went out together and a bright voice could be heard talking about the plot of the film they had just seen, which the young man smiled and responded with a warm voice.

"By the way, honey, are you hungry?" asked the young man softly.

"I'm hungry too. What do you want to eat?" The girl asked.

"Follow me, dear. I told you that today I'm going to spoil you all day", replied the young man, which made the girl smile slightly embarrassed.

"Treating me like this, I won't go anywhere and will appear as Kal's client often," the girl said back.

"What kind of customer are you? We're boyfriends now," Kal said with a smile and the girl laughed lightly.

"That's right, then let's eat Japanese food. Your girlfriend's time will be up soon", replied Waan and walked arm in arm with the young man, smiling the whole time in the restaurant. The young man takes good care of the young woman. This made the girl smile happily, making her forget her sorrows.

"Ah, time is up," said a woman's voice, as she left the Japanese restaurant. They walked around the mall until 6pm, the whole time they walked together and the young man took good care of the young woman.

"I'll take you to the car," the young man said as he took the young woman by the hand and led her to the parking lot.

"Thank you so much. I'm so happy.
In fact, you don't really need a girlfriend, you'll find a girlfriend around here", said the girl with a laugh.

"I'm happy because you can smile like that. When you want to see me, you can contact me." replied the young man gently.

"Yes, I will contact you frequently. If I can reach you in time," the woman said jokingly with the young man.

"Ah, I've already transferred the remaining money. And a little extra tip, for snacks", said the woman while showing the young man her cell phone.

"Thank you," replied the young man. He waited for the girl to get into the car and for her to leave. Then he walked back to his own car.

Rattikal or Kal is the name of a 28 year old young man, tall, fair skin, long hair below the neck, handsome from both angles.

Now, Rattikal is checking the money that was transferred to him while he was in the car. In fact, he and the girl just now are not really fans of each other. Rattikal takes jobs to eat, watch movies, hang out with clients as they wish.

The service is about taking great care of customers. If the customer wants him to take care of him like a fan, he is ready to do that, even if just for a while, being his regular customer. And the girl asked Rattikal to act as if she were his girlfriend.

Rattikal accepts both female and male clients. Although he is really interested in other men. Each of Night's clients is carefully selected.

Few people cause you problems. There may be some customers who pay attention to him other than a simple customer, but Night speaks and explains well to the other party, but if the other party is still stubborn, Rattikal has someone to help manage the situation.

That person is Eric, owner of an upscale bar in Bangkok. Rattikan is not directly an employee under Eric's care, because he has taken a freelance job. Eric always selects the heavy clients and reliable to get through the Night and helps to deal with various problems.

Even though he works as a service provider, there may be some clients who want to buy additional options like sleeping with Night, but Rattikal does not accept this additional work even if the money is good.

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