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I didn't expect he'd come here today. I saw him talking to a girl before he walked towards me.

“Suits you,” he said and before I could say something he called a waiter and order a cappuccino. After the waiter left with the order he looked into my eyes.

Those ocean blue eyes. Speaking a lots of things that I couldn't understand. And I think mine was speaking as well though I didn't know if he could read eyes.

“Ummmhummm,” snapped both of us out from each other eyes.

“Honestly, I knew that you were about to lost somewhere in the world of love, But I did not expect it to be this soon, you know,” Addie said sitting next to me.

“Wake up from your stupid dream,” I said sipping on my coffee.

She rolled her eyes and look at the person sitting in front of us.

“Hi, I'm Adele, her best friend” as she forcefully gave me a side hug, “And you?” she asked sitting steady.

“I'm Leo, nice to meet you, Adele” he said. A small smile on his face.

So, there are people in the world who actually smile like a Greek god.

Maybe he's the only one smiles like that.

“You are allowed to call me Addie as you're my best friend's boyfriend,”she said.

I looked at leo who was already looking at me with a I don't know what face and I looked back to Addie who was also looking at me with a smirk on her face.

Okay! Can I punch her? It's not a crime to punch your best friend until she bleed right? And why wasn't Leo saying anything about it?

I was just about to say something but the waiter came with the cappuccino that Leo ordered. Then Addie ordered one too.

As the waiter left with another order I shoot Addie a dead look and said, “Did you just call him my boyfriend?” I asked pointing at leo.

“Yes, And? Isn't he's the reason why you've been ignoring Michael all this time? so what's wrong if I call him by what he actually is?” She said looking at me.

“What?Are you stupid? I ignored that guy because I didn't like him. And in which dictionary it is written that you can only ignore a guy when you have a boyfriend?..” Before I could finish,

she replied,“In my dictionary.”

I took a deep breath and said , “He's not my boyfriend, even today is the first time we're talking to each other.”

“Then make him your boyfriend,” she said looking at me “He's handsome,good looking, has a perfect physique,”she added looking at Leo.

I wouldn't regret if I kill my own best friend. Nothing will change in this world if she suddenly doesn't exist anymore.

“Shut up,stop with your nonsense talk. You're not deciding who my boyfriend will be,” I said all irritated.

“Then choose Michael, he's also a good guy", she continued ignoring what I just said.

How can someone be like this!!

“I don't like to repeat myself and you know that, don't you?” I said leaning back to my chair.

The waiter came with another cappuccino and keep it on the table in front of Addie and left.

“Fine, Whatever,” she said sipping on her cappuccino.

“Who's Michael?” Leo asked.

“None of your business," I replied.

I knew I shouldn't be rude with him. It was not his fault that my friend was a stupid. But I couldn't help it. I was so irritated.

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