A lil itty bitty witty intro

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A lil bit of extra info I'm giving you guys bc I love all you lil bookies too much 😘

I'm on a goofy lil cheep Android and writing this at like 12:00, so forgive the goofy quality 🥰🥰

Sangwoo is currently 23,
while you are 22

You're CRAZY masochistic (prolly a bit sadistic too, idk I gotta think abt that. You'll prolly find out later), but ur pooks Sangwoo don't know that. You guys haven't even met yet, why the hell would he 😰

You cut and scratch and bite yourself whenever you feelin a bit 🎺🎷📯 if ya know what I mean, and it doesn't even matter what you cut yourself with. You'll even do it with some random thumbtack or glass shard you find. You don't care if it hurts, it barely hurts anyways. You don't have like CIP or anything, bc you still scream like a motherfucker when you slam your toe on a chair, but you really just look for that sweet, sweet feeling of gratification when you're done.

You live in a small town, pretty much the kind of town Sangwoo lived in in the manhwa (the kind of book he from). You two had actually lived on opposite sides of town, but you guys just like met some how idk I haven't even come up with anything yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Bum doesn't exist here. Bum is a absolute dick and his is like rlly rlly tiny and pathetic, and he never should have existed in the first place. I hate Bum. Jieun would have been a better replacement, and she was only there for like a rlly short time between when she got introduced and killeddddd 😝😝

But Seungbae will DEFINITELY be in here at some point I think. Seungbae looks too 🥴🥴 to not be, he gets like no credit for existing.
Not officer Park, we don't like the opps THAT much🙊🙊🤷🏿‍♂️

Sangwoo like 6ft. actually, and idk how more people like don't acknowledge that. I see shii like "His big, muscular presence towers over you" or "Sangwoo's tall, intimidating being Yadda Yadda..." bc this nice drink of water is deff taller than my midget ass, but he's not THAT tall. Alr? Good.

You're def shorter than Sangwoo, bc who wants the person their kidnapped by to be a midget compared to them?? So you're like 5'10, not too far from his height. Ha midget. I'm still a lot shorter than that, I can't be yappin ☹️☹️

Ok, I KNOW that I've been yapping for like ever now, so here you go my pookie bookie wookies 😜😜🐒🦧🐎🦍


Anyways, go to the next chapter bc I promise it'll actually start bc I don't wanna make you all super angyy 💋💋

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