Regina pov next day

I frown seeing that lycan bitch Around Dani I didn't have a problem with her till she started following Dani around, I don't trust her something is off about her I've seen Zena look unsure about her I just can't place why.

Seeing her smile at Dani while handing her some tea her fingers trace Dani's making her blush, she sways her hips seductively heading for the kitchen glancing around before I slip in finding her leaning on the counter.

Walking up I grab a knife standing by some meat needing prepped for lunch that's been cutt up "you're getting close to Lady Daniela" I say calmly.

She hums not looking at me "yes" she says smugly.

Moving quickly I slam her back on the counter pressing the knife to her throat while leaning over her "I don't trust you with her but I'm not the one you need to worry about, it's her mothers and sisters you need to worry about because if you hurt her no where you run will be safe, I will gladly help track you down if you hurt her but you need to worry about Zena I watched her kill a maid with her bare hands just for insulting her" I hiss.

Hearing someone coming I step back working on the meat again before hearing the maid scream and Angie cackling.

Frowning I look over seeing her holding her hand that's bleeding as Angie floats up holding a stick she throws it while looking at the maid "ruff ruff bitch go fetch".

I snort trying not to laugh "I didn't throw it Regina did" Angie screeches.

Spinning I look at her "don't blame me Angie" I say laughing while seeing Lady Beneviento holding the stick looking at us before pointing at a doll on the counter.

"Fucking snitch" Angie screeches pointing at the doll.

"Momma says Snitches get found in ditches" Cassandra adds from the living room laughing.

Seeing her looking at me I shrug "I'm not denying anything if the doll told on me" I say before pointing at the maid with the knife "remember what I said" I warn before she storms off.

"You two need to stop messing with her" She whispers.

"Then she needs to leave Dani alone something is off with her" Angie says calmly while setting on my shoulder.

"She's going to hurt Dani and get herself killed for it, I'll be more then happy to help kill her but I don't trust her it seems like it's a game to her" I add.

Next day

Sitting in the living room with Angie and Lady Beneviento I groan seeing Lady Dimitrescu come in, seeing flowers in her hand I snarl jumping in front of her crossing my arms "No".

She snarls glaring at me "move girl" she orders.

"Fuck no I'm not letting you hurt her again she will not be your damn pet again"

Lady Dimitrescu's hand twitches slightly glaring me I frown seeing her hand relax and her body almost slumping like she's defeated "I don't want her as my pet, I want to ask her to give me a chance for us to be a real family" she says sounding tired.

I frown unsure about if she's serious I don't know her well enough to know that stuff, feeling Lady Beneviento touch my arm I glance at her "is she serious?" I ask.

"Alcina look at me please" She whispers.

I freeze seeing her look at Lady Beneviento her eyes are full of tears she's fighting back, feeling Lady Beneviento tug my arm I follow her "get yourself under control and go try" she says softly.

Lady Dimitrescu nods "will you and the girls watch the babies Donna?"

Nodding she leads me away to where the girls have been playing to let them know.

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Where stories live. Discover now