2 days later

Coming into the kitchen I sigh trying to ignore how empty it feels without Freda "the last one on our side that was severely hurt died last night" Amanda says.

I nod moving to start on something to eat for everyone as Zena walks in sitting down with the others.

"Guess it's just us who lived" Zena mumbles.

"Anyone know what's gonna happen to her body?" Amanda ask quietly.

"She donated her body to Mother Miranda" Zena says softly.

We all look her "how do you know that?" Amanda asks.

"She came to me last night with the will and showed me it also lists that I'm supposed to get her savings and last pay check and for me to handle her belongings and who they go to"

We all nod dropping the subject knowing she'll start crying again "we're supposed to help with picking new staff next week" Amanda says putting her hand on Zena's.

Hearing the door open we look up seeing the girls coming in sadly "I'm working on breakfast" I say unsure of what else to say.

I frown seeing them start pulling out stuff for both maids and them before starting to help with getting the food ready "you don't have to do that" I say softly.

"We want to help" Cassandra grunts while cutting up meat.

Once breakfast's done we gather what we need to clean or repair in Amber's case, before leaving the room seeing the girls doing the same.

Seeing Bela trying to sweep but just swinging dust and any plaster left around I walk over stopping her and show her how to do it.

She nods not looking at me "Thanks" she whispers after I walk back to my side.

Days pass with all of us down and teaching the girls how to do our jobs till it's time to pick the new maids.

Bela comes in the kitchen holding files and a piece of paper smiling nervously "these are the woman in the village able to be maids we need to pick at least 10 for now and train them, this is something I worked on that I thought was a good idea after all this" she says holding the paper out.

Zena nods taking it as we gather around reading it or listening to her read it out loud, she nods looking at Bela "it's a good idea".

Bela nods looking around the kitchen sadly "maybe this will mean the maids won't revolt against us again, I never realized how hard your jobs are even without us messing with you all".

"It's not a hard job Bela, the worst part is the walking and lifting things till you get use to it then it's nothing" Amanda says shrugging.

"Okay but with us scaring maids or attacking maids for any reasons we choose, it makes it harder because they don't want to work or are so scared they mess up giving us even the smallest reasons to kill them"

Hearing the door open Cassandra comes in glaring at everyone as she takes a body to the draining room after a few minutes she comes back, sitting down by Zena "Mother killed her newest pet while throwing a fit because grandmother has told her she's not allowed to have pets anymore, and if she tries to make a personal maid her pet she will personally come and kill the maid herself".

Zena laughs looking at table before bursting into tears freaking out Bela and Cassandra.

Donna pov

Hearing someone walk in my house I sigh looking threw my dolls seeing mother, getting up I move to the living room to greet her.

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