Donna pov

Getting our work out of the oven after it's cooled down while she gets the paints set up I take hers over then grab mine, setting down I start working on mine glancing at her to make sure I'm getting it right.

"Do I have paint on my face or something?" She asks wiping her face.

"No" I answer smiling.

"You keep looking at me" she says blushing.

"You look pretty" I mumble shrugging.

Seeing her blush I go back to work it's turned out great half of the face looks just like her it even has her smile the other half is a panther, I glance seeing she's working on the small human but the animal is painted like a panther.

"Who's the third figure?" I ask.

"What's yours?" She counters.

I laugh softly refusing to answer yet.

A few hours

Looking at the tiny version of me with Angie sitting on a Panther I smile glancing at Regina "thank you" I say.

She nods blushing looking at what I made for her "this is beautiful" she says happily.

I nod picking up stuff walking to go to my room with her following me "I enjoyed getting to spend time with you like that" she says softly.

Nodding I glance at her "It was nice".

"Would you maybe be interested in going on another date with me at some point?" She asks nervously.

Humming I nod as we reach my door "Yes".

She smiles happily handing me my clothes "great I'll plan something and get back to you".

Reaching out when she turns like she's going to leave, she grabs my hand and shakes it before rushing off, I stand there confused looking at my hand sighing I open my door going in.

"how'd it go?" Angie demands when I walk in.

"I enjoyed it"

"She walked you back so did she kiss you?"

"She shook my hand" I whisper glancing down.

"She what? Why did she do that?"

"I don't know she turned like she was leaving I was going to stop her and at least kiss her cheek but she shook my hand and left"

Putting my stuff up and changing I walk to mother's room stepping in seeing her looking over some papers "Mother I need advice".

"What is it?" She asks setting the stuff down.

"It's not uncommon for someone to kiss on the cheek after a date is it?" I ask confused.

"For a first date no" she says patting the seat by her "why do you ask?"

"Is it bad if someone shakes your hand after a date?"

Mother sighs "did Regina shake your hand after your date?"

Nodding I look down nervously twisting my fingers together "she turned to leave and I reached out planning to stop her so I could kiss her cheek but she shook my hand before running away".

"Maybe she panicked she seems to do that a lot around you"

"She said she enjoyed herself and asked me out again but she shook my hand" I whisper sadly "what if she didn't really mean it and didn't want to tell me, she's from the village it's not unheard of for them to lie because they are scared of us" I add panicking.

"Donna don't" mother says sternly grabbing my face making me look at her "do not let your insecurities get the best of you, I don't believe that's what happened I'm sure she was panicking and didn't want to make you uncomfortable".

Regina pov

Running to Zena's room I step in seeing her place Elora in her crib "hey, how'd it go?"

"Good till we said bye" I whisper.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, I know she touched my arm and moved to step closer and I panicked I shook her hand and ran"

Zena groans before slapping the back of my head "Gina she is extremely insecure, she probably took that as you not being interested".

"I known but I couldn't turn around and go back I was embarrassed after that" I say whining before grabbing her arm "help me fix this please, I really like her".

She sighs grabbing my shirt pulling me with her out of the room coming to the hall Lady Beneviento rooms on we see Angie pacing the hall with her arms crossed.

"Hey bossy, where's Donna?" Zena asks.

Angie huffs glaring at me while pointing at another door Zena nods walking up knocking.

Mother Miranda opens it and looks at me frowning "could we speak with Donna please?" Zena ask in a sweet voice smiling.

She nods motioning us in and I squirm when she stands me in front of Lady Beneviento who looks down and away from me.

"Well do something Gina" she orders.

Jumping I lean forward kissing Lady Beneviento cheek hearing her gasp I jerk back over stepping and falling back over the coffee table "damn it" I mumble twisting around so I can get up.

Seeing Lady Beneviento with her hand on her cheek looking at me I jump up and run out.

Next day Donna pov

I flinch at the loud noises Karl makes working on a room for Sal, while seeing Angie running with a dagger down the hall.

"FUCKING MUTT I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" she screams heading in his direction.

Grabbing her I take the dagger from her putting it up before sitting down rubbing my temples Karl's noise, the babies crying, the girls throwing fits, and Angie's yelling it's to much for anyone with enhanced hearing.

Seeing the girls swarm outside with the babies I see Zena shove over knight armor that Alcina has before kicking the helmet "I know he is being this loud on purpose" she yells throwing a vase.

I groan covering my ears trying to block the noise out.

"Mother says we are going to your house" Bela says suddenly.

Nodding I jump up checking my room for anything I need to bring grabbing the sculptures Regina made me I wrap them in cloths before putting them in my pocket.

Making my way outside I see Alcina's personal carriage being loaded up by the test maids with Zena looking them over before sighing "look I'm saying this now please no territory fights the kids and I can not handle any more noise and Lady Beneviento will not be kind if you disrupt her peace".

I smile at her trying to make sure the maids don't disrespect me or my home, stepping up by her leaning on the carriage she smiles at me before thanking me for hosting them.

"The stupid dog is too loud, rude asshole" Angie says loudly.

I laugh at her agreeing and mentioning wanting to find something rubber to beat him with.

Once everyone loads in and we take off I smile seeing Angie sitting on Regina's shoulder talking to everyone.

Reach my area I see the maids become nervous again while Zena and Regina look out the windows interested in the dolls in my trees "stop being scared bitches, as long as you don't disrupt our peace by fighting you won't become a new friend for me" Angie says before pointing at the lycan maid "I really hope you do so Donna has a reason to make you a doll" she adds cackling.

Glancing at Regina I see her nod smirking at the maid I am curious if their dislike of each other is because the canine and feline in them, or if it's personal what ever the issue is I know Angie has picked her side on it.

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Where stories live. Discover now