Tourists Of The Underworld

Start from the beginning

"Featured? Spotlighted?"

"Yeah." Percy said, warming up to the idea. "We came down here for the Tartarus tour-like, exotic destinations, you know? The Underworld is overdone. Mount Olympus is a tourist trap-"

"Gods, it totally is!" I agreed. "So we booked the Tartarus excursion, but no one even mentioned we'd run into Nyx. Huh. Oh, well. Guess they didn't think you were important."

"Not important!" Nyx cracked her whip.

The horses bucked and snarled. Waves of darkness rolled out of the chasm, turning my insides to jelly from fear. I had to push it aside to continue the act I had going. I noticed Percy starting to raise his sword. I gently pushed his sword arm down to lower his weapon. This was an Ancient goddess, much older than anything we've faced so far. We had no chance if we fought her.

"Well," I faced the goddess with innocence, "how many other demigods have come to see you?"

"None." Nyx's hand went slack on the reins. "Not one. This is unacceptable!"

"Maybe it's because you haven't really done anything to get in the news." I shrugged. "I mean, I can understand Tartarus being important. This whole place is named after him. Or, if we could meet Day-"

"Oh, yeah." Percy chimed in. "Day? She would be impressive. I totally want to meet her. Maybe get her autograph."

"Day!" Nyx gripped the rail of her chariot. The whole chariot shuddered. "You mean Hemera? She is my daughter! Night is much more powerful than Day!"

"I don't know. I kind of liked the arai, or even Akhlys better." I said.

"They are my children as well!"

"Got a lot of children, huh?" Percy stifled a yawn.

"I am the mother of all terrors!" Nyx cried. "The Fates themselves! Hecate! Old Age! Pain! Sleep! Death! And all of the curses! Behold how newsworthy I am!"

She lashed her whip again. The darkness congealed around her. On either side, an army of shadows appeared-more arai; a withered man who had to be Geras, the god if old age; a younger woman in a black toga, her eyes gleaming and her smile like a serial killer's was Eris, the goddess of strife. More kept appearing, all of Night's children.

Every instinct told me to run. I was facing a brood of horror that could snap anyone's sanity. But if I were to run, I would for sure be killed. Percy's breathing turned shallow. Even through his misty ghoul disguise, I could see he was on the verge of panic.

I just had to continue acting that everything was fine. That I wasn't scared. I had to convince Night and her children that they did not terrify me. This was to be an acting experience of a lifetime.

"Yeah, not bad." I admitted, making sure my voice was strong. "I guess we could get a picture for the scrapbook, but I don't know. You guys are so...dark, you know? Even if I used a flash, I don't think it would come out right."

"Y-yeah." Percy managed. "You guys aren't photogenic."

"You-miserable-tourists!" Nyx hissed. "How dare you not tremble before me! How dare you not whimper and beg for my autograph and a picture for your scrapbook! You want newsworthy? My son Hypnos once put Zeus to sleep! Hypnos hid in my palace for safety, and Zeus did not follow. Even the king of Olympus fears me!"

"Uh-huh." I turned to Percy. "Well, it's getting late. I'm starved. We should probably get lunch at one of those restaurants the tour guide recommended. Then we can find the Doors of Death."

"Aha!" Nyx cried in triumph. Her brood of shadows stirred and echoed her. "You wish to see the Doors of Death? They lie in the very heart of Tartarus. Mortals such as you could never reach them, except through the halls of my palace-the Mansion of Night!"

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