I was on a small Island with the Atlanteans such as the brine king, king Nereus and my mother who was tending orms wound. And Arthur was sitting beside me

"I'm sorry to drag you all into this" I apologize "but the fishermen can't think that Atlantis was involved"

"Atlantis does not command the armies of Xebel I do" Nereus said.

"And the brine kingdom has not forgotten its dept to you. You may count on us always" the brine king said.

"Something happened to me when I touched the black trident" orm said.
"I saw the lost kingdom"

Everyone seemed shocked but I was just confused

"I don't know enough about this is that even possible"Arthur said.

"All anyone knows for sure is there once was a seventh kingdom and then one day before the fall, every record of it was stricken from the chronicles" momma said

"How do we know you saw the lost kingdom?" Nereus asked not believing him. "No one knows what it was called anymore"

Orm glanced at us "it's called necerus. And I didn't just see it. I knew it it's almost like remembering it. Flashes of someone else's memories. During king atlans time,there were seven United Kingdom's of Atlantis and the black city was the curse upon them all by exploiting orichalcum necrus rapidly became a superpower unlike any other but it came at a terrible price. Poisoning the land and the sea, even the mind of the tyrant who ruled necrus.atlans own brother lord ax atlan pleaded with him.to stop using it before the world was irrevocably damaged. However kordax resented atlan, thinking his own brother was trying to steal his power so he restored the dark magic and crafted an instrument of evil. The black trident. He transformed his people and himself into monsters. To fight Atlantis so the two brothers went to war. But atlan defeated kordax and imprisoned him and all of necrus with a spell cast with his own blood. To ensure that kordax's dark power would never be found and that is why necerus is stricken from the chronicles this evil was supposed to remain frozen for eternity but David Kane has found it. And is slowly possessing him"

We were on the ship to disgusts more on this power.

"But even with the ice cap melting, Corday can't be freed" arthur said "atlan used blood magic to seal kordax in his prison which means only atlan himself could release him"

"Manta does not need atlan himself manta needs atlans blood." Momma said "blood magic isn't really magic it's DNA the key to kordax's prison is the royal bloodline itself."

Orm looks at me "that means he need blood from either you or blue or your son. You're the end of the bloodline."

I was shocked knowing my brother was at home. Which made me realize.

"He's going after Jacen!"

Turning tides Arthur X OC X OrmWhere stories live. Discover now