I was trying to find an armour that would suit me. When vulko swim in to see me.

"How could you be so foolish to let mera bait you into a fight?" He said in anger.

"It seemS to me I just solved all of our problems" i said. "I beat her in battle, wars over, I get to go home."

"You're a formidable fighter on land, but here you're out of your element, literally. Mera  has spent her entire life underwater, training to be a warrior training to be the best."

"You taught me how to fight cobra Kai."

"But do you remember everything"

"Oh I remember everything" I told him "and you know that. And as for mera  he looks like the type that doesn't have any friends. And I will get Arthur out of atlantisan jail."

"Queen mera said he'll stay in there until one of two thing. Release him if you win. Execute him if she wins"

Orms pov
I was with mera alone when she she's wearing her armour while I was wearing king causual clothing as she gives me something "I have something for you, this was cyans"

I looked at the braclet she put on me "tell me would cyan love it to watch her daughter and her neice murder each other"

" I understand your fear and your reluctance, orm. I surely do. I don't want war."

"Don't patronize me" i said to her "I know you What you're doing flies in the face of everything your aunt taught us when we we're children. If she were here—"

"But she's not here is she?" Mera asked. "What my aunt taught us is treason Don't follow in her wake.

Blues pov
I looked to see orm and mera there. "All right so this is the old ring of fire. How's it work? I just kick your ass right here"

"WIll you escor my betrothed to the royal box?" mera said I looked at orm in shock as he looks at me in some sort of sadness. Vulko takes orm somewhere Leaving me and mera  alone."Down here we have a legend about the karathen, and ancient sea monster so powerful that king atlan himself feared it. So he imprisoned it in the depths of the ocean and in that abyss the creature bides it's time awaiting to rise again. Atlantis has been lyin in wait... and now the beast has awakened"

"Cool story that I didn't ask to hear" I said.

"Yet you are arrogant for someone who looks young. I imagine it"

"You know when I first heard about you I wanted to meet you more than anything. Get to know my cousin. Let her know she wasn't alone that we were in it together. If only I known what a dick you would turn out to be."

"You were the reason my aunt  Was executed. I hated you for it ever since. But I do not want to kill you blue .I'm going to give you one chance. Go home. Do not ever come back to Atlantis. You are not going to win this. A war is coming to the surface wether you like it or not. And I am bringing the wrath of the seven seas with me."

"You know I can't let that happen."

"I know."

Then we heard banging drums "what the hell is that?"

"The ring of fire"

Turning tides Arthur X OC X OrmWhere stories live. Discover now