FOURTH CHAPTER-Le Grand Paris Party!

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"Did that Bourgeois girl really invite you to the party?"

In my mom's voice, I could hear that she didn't believe me. I mean, what I told her does sound like a lie. But I was telling the truth. I just didn't know how to prove it.

"Yes... Please, mom. I want to make friends here."

Before my mom could say anything, Dorothea walked into the living room. She had a plush toy of Chat Noir and Rina Rouge in her hand. She sat on the floor and started playing with them. I saw her pretending that the toys were kissing.

That made me inexplicably angry. I snatched the Chat Noir toy from her hand.


"They are not in love."

"I'm just playing as if they are...Are you jealous, maybe?"

I froze at this question because I actually was jealous.

Wait, what? I'm jealous?

"No, I'm not. It doesn't matter... Mom, will you let me go or not? I need to let Chloe know..."

My mom sighed.

"Fine. But just for tonight. You need to focus on school and on French speaking..."

"Alright. I'm going to let Chloe know and get ready now. Thanks, Mom, you're the best!"

I rushed to my room. I threw myself on the bed, hugging the plush Chat Noir. From now on, I'll hug him before going to sleep.

I caught myself starting to develop feelings for him. It scared me. I don't even know who's hiding behind the mask. This is bad...

But he's just... 


 There are no words to describe him. In a good way.

Even though I just met him, I'm starting to feel a strong sense of infatuation towards him.

Is that wrong?

Of course, it is.

Clearly, he likes Ladybug. He told me that last night. He's not with her just because she likes someone else.

I'm such a fool. He probably flirts with every girl like that. There's no way he acted that way towards me because he's interested. He was probably just being polite, and I'm too dumb to differentiate politeness from real feelings.


Since I started wearing makeup, I don't remember ever doing it so well like tonight.

My face looks so smooth and tidy. There's no sign of any pimples or dark circles. This is what I call good makeup. I straightened my hair and put on a white summer dress that Matias teased me about, saying I looked like an angel.

As soon as I remembered him, I felt sad. Then I looked at the Chat Noir toy. I immediately smiled.

Chloe told me that Ladybug and him will be attending the ball. That means I'll see him. And maybe we'll talk. Thank God...

After spraying myself with cashmere perfume, I looked at my room. I need to repaint it and unpack all the things from the thousand boxes around me.

When I looked through the terrace, I saw black car. I grabbed my purse and left the apartment with a quiet but noticeable smile.


Chloe and I are on the terrace of her room, watching people arrive. A red carpet is laid out for everyone, and as they walk, they are being photographed by a thousand journalists while security stands in front of the fans.

Your lady without mask (Chat Noir x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now