THIRD CHAPTER-Rich kids in ordinary school?

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The alarm woke me up around seven in the morning. I opened my eyes and briefly tried to figure out where I was. Then I realized I was in Paris and starting school today.

I got up carefully and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked more flushed than usual. My hair was messy, and my pupils were wide.

I changed my outfit three times before finally figuring out what to wear. Just a plain white shirt and light blue pants. I didn't even have time to do my makeup properly.I didn't want to be late on the first day and leave a bad impression.

I left the building and headed towards the school following the directions my dad gave me.
I was trembling the whole time, my skin was tingling, and my forearms were shaking. Something important was starting in my life.

Francoise Dupont High School was located right behind the Eiffel Tower. It had three floors and was quite tall compared to my old school. Its exterior was a yellow-brown color.

There were a few teenagers in front of the school, talking to each other. One of them pointed at me, and all the girls started walking towards me.

"You must be the new student. I'm Alya Cesaire, the class vice president. Welcome to our class. I hope you'll have a great time in our class."

Alya was wearing black-framed glasses. She had a plaid shirt on and white sneakers with black tips. Her wavy hair had reddish highlights. She was taller than me.

She seemed friendly, and I really liked that.

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"You seem like a really sporty type, Nell. I bet you are," Kim said when we met on the stairs. That's where I also met the other kids in my class. They all seem really sweet at first glance.

"No, not really. I'm the opposite of sporty."

"Wait, Nell, aren't you the girl that Chat Noir saved yesterday?" Ayla asked me.

"He didn't save me, I saved him. Just so you know."

"Well then, we have a superhero in our class," Rose cheerfully said. She was a short girl with short blue hair and big blue eyes.

Then Nino joined us. 

Alya hugged him, and that's when I realized they were dating. Nino was a tall, slim teenager with tanned skin. He had a cap on his head and headphones around his neck. Like Alya, he wore glasses, but of a different shape.

"You must be Nell for sure. I'm Nino, nice to meet you," we shook hands.

At that moment, a car stopped in front of the school. And then Adrien Agreste got out of it? Yep, that handsome blond model I see on magazine covers just stepped out of the car. Does he go to this school or something? I can't believe it. I'm probably so scared that I'm seeing things.

"Hey, dude, come meet our new student. Her name is Nell, and she's really cool," Nino said, and Adrian looked towards us. He's even more gorgeous in person.

"Nell, this is Adrien. My best buddy," Nino introduced us. Adrian shook my hand, and I felt a kind of electric shock when my hand touched his. I looked at him in shock and stared at him without blinking for a few seconds.

I thought Chat Noir was perfect-looking, but him... 

There are no words to describe his beauty. It makes sense that he's a model.

"Nice to meet you, Adrien. Are you the model from the magazine covers?"

"Yes, I am, actually," he replied somewhat shyly. It seems like he's not too happy when people recognize him for that.

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