SECOND CHAPTER-Already akumatized?

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I was just starting to drift off to sleep when I was abruptly awakened by a loud noise. Annoyed, I got out of bed, trying to figure out what had woken me up.

I heard Dorothea's voice from outside, but it sounded different somehow. I left the room and went downstairs.

When I saw her, I screamed in shock;

Dorothea didn't look like herself. She was wearing a pink two-piece dress flared at the bottom, and her hair was pink-white, with some kind of makeup on her face. She was shooting flashes from her scooter that would capture anything they touched.

Then I looked at the plush ladybug toy.

No way... she's been akumatized.

She turned towards me and released a flash from her scooter aimed at me. I jumped off the stairs and started running. I ran out of the apartment and then out of the building, while she continued to chase me.

I had no idea where to go. I didn't know Paris at all.

I saw a police car in a parking lot, with a policeman next to it. He was of average height, with orange hair in his uniform.

I ran up to him And somewhat clumsily in French, I said that my sister is akumatized and I need help. In the past few months, I've been taking French classes, but I still don't speak it fluently. However, I can still communicate in it. The only trouble I have is pronouncing words correctly. 

"Really? Well..." 

"You're not going to do anything?" 

"Well, why would I? It's not my job. Ladybug and Chat Noir will take care of it." 

"Ladybug and Chat... Oh yes, yes. This is Paris. Logical. So what do we do until they show up?"

"Well, until they show up, we need to... run away." 

The policeman headed towards the streets, and when I turned around, I saw Dorothea. She was about to hit me with her scooter when, 

At the last moment, I felt someone grabbing me by the waist and pulling me up. 

I found myself on top of a building, and there I saw Ladybug. With her yo-yo, she skillfully deflected the flashes. 

"You're... Ladybug," I said in awe. She was even more beautiful in reality.

"Yeah. And who are you, and what does this villain want from you?"

"That villain is my sister. And she wants me."

" Did you have a fight?"

I sadly nodded my head and sighed deeply. 

"Shouldn't you attack her or something like that?"

"Not yet. I'm waiting for Chat Noir to show up."

Just then, a figure of a young man with golden hair in a sleek black suit appeared in front of me. He was holding a gray staff as he approached us.

My skin tingled from his presence. He is so hot.

He didn't realize I was there and approached Ladybug with a smile on his face.

"You're late, kitty." 

"I'm late only because I had some business to take care of. But now I'm here. You know I wouldn't miss a fight with you for anything," he said, winking at her. My cheeks flushed.

"I believe you."

"So, who are we fighting against today, m'lady?"

"This villain right here. Her sister is with us," Chat Noir finally turned to me and looked.

Vaša dama bez maske (Chat Noir x Female Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum