Chapter 14

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RECAP: "Goodnight, Hannibal..."


It had been around 6am when I felt Hannibal slowly get up from my bed and walk out of the room, leaving my door cracked ever so slightly and letting the hall light trickle in. Occasionally throughout the next couple hours, I would hear different sets of footsteps walking around the house and mainly end up in the kitchen after their excursion.

It was around 9 when I finally decided to get up and presentable after remembering the pile of dishes that was left in the sink from last night. Leaving on the big "AC/DC" shirt I slept in, I slipped into a pair of gray pajama shorts and a sports bra. I hopped into the connected bathroom to brush my teeth and hair and top off the sleepy, angsty teen look with some deodorant and some of the cute perfume I had snagged that day I had gone job hunting at the mall.

The house was practically built entirely of windows so there was no need to keep lights on in the house during the daytime. The back garden of the estate was like a fairytale with all of the growing vines, fruits, vegetables, flowers, and the moon gate that created the entrance to the expansive forest behind it.

I have progressively grown more and more comfortable with the layout of the house and was now able to reach the kitchen on my own. I could overhear "The Amazing World of Gumball" being played on the TV in the living room as I made my way to the mountain of grime. There was no one else in the kitchen so I grabbed the dish scrubby and began my cleaning.


About 3/4ths of the way through, I could feel a presence standing in the doorway behind me. Quickly, I shoved the sleeves of my shirt back down towards my hands to cover the marks I had before turning around to face whoever it was.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding when I was met with the tall man wearing a porcelain doll mask. Brahms looked to me and then my hands before tilting his head to the side, similar to a puppy.

"Hey, Brahms. Did you need something?" I asked, turning back to the sink to dip the dish in the soapy water before placing it on the rack in the dishwasher. I could hear his footsteps as he walked closer to me till I could feel what seemed to be a warm, slightly squishy wall behind me.

"Um.. Brahms?-" He reached his arms around me and opened the cabinet right above the sink, grabbed a mug, and closed the cabinet back before walking over to the coffee maker. I watched him in awe as he got warm water to make some tea and then made his way swiftly out the connected door to the living room.

I could feel my face morph into pure confusion before breaking out into a warm pink from my cheeks all the way down to my neck. Before I could fix my facial features, Tiff walked in the kitchen and caught a glance of my flustered state.

"Y/N?.." Her hair was frizzy and she wore similar shorts to the ones I had on along with a short sleeve shirt with the words "Gaslighting Doesn't Exist, You're Just Crazy" printed right over the chest.

Very fitting.

She came closer and patted her hands on my cheeks a couple of times.

"Hon, what's got you so red?"

I looked at her and took a moment to bring the words together.

"I think... I think Brahms just silently flirted with me......"

A/N: quick question... how are we feeling about having a little spice in chapter 16?... and maybe more in depth spice later within the story...? And if so, should I write two separate chapters for the smut scenes? (I am a girl with girl parts lol. i'm not all that confident with writing gay smut...I don't want to offend anyone so thats why I am asking.)

Psychotic Sweetheart - A Slashers FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora