Chapter 8

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I'm guessing he tried his best. I just nodded in his direction and handed him back the pad only for it to get snatched just as fast as it was given. I watched Tiff from the side of my vision pull out her phone and sigh loudly as she read a message.

"Well Y/N, you ready for a family reunion?"


All that I could physically do was stare at Tiff in absolute fear.

'More? Of them?'

She looked at me with pity then sighed. I jumped hearing a loud banging on the door. It was then followed by the constant ringing of the home doorbell. I will be honest, after the first couple rings I became more annoyed than afraid. I would be more than willing to serve these fuckers a can of whoop-ass but if it weren't for Bigfoot over there, I would be able to walk without a limp.

I glared straight at Michael and he must have sensed me looking at him because his head slowly turned my direction. Keeping constant eye contact, I slowly reached my hand in the collar of my shirt and pretended to rummage around between my tits before yanking my hand back out and flipping him the bird.

I watched Michael take an angered step towards me but was interrupted when Tiff opened the door and the house was quickly filled with either laughter, yelling, or loud stampeding thumping. Taking literal cover for my own safety, I was almost crushed when someone decided to leap onto the couch I was sitting on.


"....yes mama Tiff..."

I was too afraid to look up from my hands. It has slowly gone quiet but I could sense so many people's eyes looking right at me. I felt the couch dip in front of my feet and Tiff's voice gently floated to my ears.


She wrapped her hands loosely around my wrists and slowly pulled them away from my face. I noticed that Charlie had moved behind where I sat on the couch and multiple men were standing looking down at me with many different expressions. Some angry (Michael), some confused, some excited, and some just stoic.

"Are you ok Y/N?"


She looked around to all of the men in the room and sighed for the millionth time today.

"Do you wanna go up to your room? Charlie will help you up there. I can see that this is a little overwhelming for you."

I nodded and she smiled softly in return. I felt Charlie move to my side and scoop me up bridal style, making sure to be careful with my new injury.

It took a couple minutes to get up the stairs and down the hallways before making it to my room. Charlie put me down on my bed and then joined me while also sighing.

"Look, Y/N. Tiff and I hold you really close to us. You're an amazing person and we haven't really had any friends for a while. But these guys? They aren't as trustworthy. They also aren't the kindest. Some are, like Brahms and Bubba but the rest of them are really dangerous. I want you to tell me or Tiff if you feel afraid around them or unsafe and we will be there to help you."


"You're afraid."


Charles looked at me and frowned a bit.

"Do you think you'd be willing to meet one of them right now? Brahms has really been wanting to tell you hello and speak to you. And I promise you have no need to be afraid of him. Would that be ok?"

I thought about what he said. After all, this Brahms person did sort of save me from getting slaughtered earlier and he apologized for Michael so i think it would be alright. He seems.........sweet?

"Sure. What could go wrong?"


Hi there my little Creepy Crawlies!! I have just started school so I'm planning on trying to get around 1-2 chapters out a week. I will be busy with all sorts of things like nursing class and theater shows but i will do my best for you guys! I have a super big idea for this story and how the interest in Y/N will go down for the characters.

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