Chapter 3

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Getting to my room, I got ready to go to sleep and took out my recent read to finish up a few chapters before nodding off.

I'm really nervous for what's to come with this job…..


I woke up groggily, forgetting that I had set an alarm last night for 6am. I left my bed as is, seeing that 1, I'm too tired to really care and 2, I'm the housekeeper so that also makes me care less. Getting ready for the day, there was only one thing that was really stuck in my mind.

" …What if she turns us in?"

Charles' words were plaguing my mind. What in the hell did they mean? Why would I turn them in? Would it have to do with some of the tasks they would need me to complete without question?

Finishing up around 7, I headed downstairs to find the rest of the house eerily quiet. I began to ransack their kitchen to find things to make some breakfast. I found some eggs, cheese, ham and peppers so I went with the classic omelet hoping my new employers would enjoy it. I found a pan and let it heat up with some butter as I chopped the ham and peppers into small squares. Once the butter was melted, I cracked an egg into a bowl and added salt and milk and scrambled it with a fork before pouring it into the pan.

As I patiently watched the egg cook on one side, I heard gentle footsteps descend the grand staircase across the hall. Tiffany appeared in the kitchen doorway a couple moments later with some long black pj pants and a pink Hello Kitty tank top that hugged her upper torso.

"Good morning sweetie! Whatcha making? Smells good."

She came beside me and watched as I sprinkled the peppes, ham, and cheese into the egg and carefully folded it over as some of the uncooked goo spilled out of the inside.

"Omelets. I hope you and Charles like them."

She smiled at me and her eyes almost closed because of her cheeks lifting up. " You're just too kind. Oh and please, you can call me Tiff and Charles, Charlie. Just sounds more comfortable."

I nodded to her. "Sure thing Tiff."

She giggled a bit and went over to the table, pulling out her phone to look at as I finished up.

"Hey Y/N, I never gave you my phone number did I?"

Keeping my eye on the pan I shook my head no. I finished the first omelet and put it on a plate to bring over to Tiff as she played with her phone a little more. She handed me the device seeing that a new contact form was pulled up. I punched in my number and quickly texted myself "hey bitch" and went back to the stove. I heard Tiff let out a small snort from behind me making me smile to myself.

After some silence we could both hear Charlie make his way down the stairs as well. He came to sit next to Tiff and gave her a quick peck on the lips and she went back to eating. I sat an omelet in front of Charlie and he looked at it suspiciously. He then looked up to me as I put a fork on his plate.

"What's in this?" He asked me a bit harshly.

"Ham, cheese, and peppers." I replied.

He looked back at his plate and then up to me one more time.

"Are they spicy peppers..?"

I shook my head telling him no. He cautiously cut off a piece and slowly put it in his mouth chewing like he was a cartoon character. Tiff looked at him like he was an idiot and I had to stop myself from laughing at his exasperated face in return.

"The fuck is that look for? I thought she would've poisoned it or WORSE used jalapenos. Jesus Christ….. at least if I die it's been a delicious way to go."

He almost choked on his next bite as Tiff kicked him from under the table and at that point I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Tiff then joined in and Charlie looked a bit annoyed at first but then a soft, almost invisible smile made its way to his lips.

We finished eating and the two of them gave me a large tour of the house and where I could and couldn't go and what I needed to clean and all that jazz. One of my favorite parts of the house was the laundry chute that had tubes connected to every room in the house so I didn't need to go around and collect dirty laundry and lug it up and down 2 stories.

"There really isn't much to clean most of the time so hopefully it won't be too much work. We're gonna head out to the store and we should be back in a couple hours or so. If you finish early, the remote to the tv in the living room is on the coffee table. See you in a bit Y/N."

Once they had left, I began cleaning. First, collecting the laundry and putting in a load and then dusting, sweeping, washing, and all of that. By the time I was finished and switching out the laundry loads, it had been about an hour and a half.

I decided to bring the finished load out to the living room couch and put on a movie as I folded the clothes. I had gotten situated and comfortable when I felt like I was being watched again. I looked out the window to the woods but yet again, I saw nothing. I turned back around and noticed a small hole in the wall beside the TV mantle.

I walked towards it, and almost immediately the feeling of being watched was gone. I looked at the hole and made a mental note to ask about it and see if it needed fixing once Tiff and Charlie got back home.

I finished folding all the clothes and dropped them off at their bedroom door seeing that their room was one of the rooms I was instructed not to enter which I found odd at first but I decided not to question it.

Tiff and Charlie came back around an hour later and I helped them to bring in and put away the groceries. The day went by pretty quickly seeing as we ate some lunch, sat around and talked, watched a movie together and then the two of them went to their room to put away their clean clothes and I headed up to my room to maybe take a nap and read some more of my book.

Opening my door I stopped short seeing a doll on my bed. It was a little boy with a white porcelain face that looked around the same size, maybe a little bigger, than an American Girl doll. I looked at the doll as I carefully approached it looking over to my closet seeing the door was closed. I didn't want to bother Tiff and Charlie but as I got closer I realized it could probably be a housewarming gift. It was a bit of an odd gift though. There was no kind of note or anything, just the doll itself propped up against my pillows.

I picked it up and examined it. The face, hands, and feet seemed to be the only parts made of porcelain whilst the body was fluffy and full of soft stuffing. It was clothed in corduroy overalls with a black vest, a colorful undershirt and some white and black shoes. On the back of the shirt under the overalls was a tag that said "Brahms".

"It's good to meet you Brahms. Looks like you'll be staying with me." I said quietly to the doll immediately feeling embarrassed afterwards for saying such a silly thing to an inanimate object.

Why would they give me this of all things?

Psychotic Sweetheart - A Slashers FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora