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I hate Isabella. Like shes been so clingy, like more then the first day I met her. And you know whats really weird is that if she not staring at me then she staring at the Cullens, stalker much. But on a better note I got Rosalies number. And I be texting her all the time and she be getting tired of me but I know she lovessssss me. 
"Hello Rosie pooh" Zay said sitting next to a annoyed Rosalie. The death stare that Rosalie gave Zay was scary, even though it didnt scare Zay if that look was toward any sane person it probably would have them peeing their pants. After a few seconds of Rosalie staring at Zay with her death glare and Zay staring at Rosalie with a annoying grin on her face, they both broke out in laughter. "Never do that with you face again, its not cute" "Girl please I am the definition of cute, when people think of cute they think of this face"Zay said in response to that. "So anyway as I was saying how are you Rosie pooh, hope you didn't miss me much" "How could I when you never stop texting me, but Ive been good. You look nice today" Zay was wearing a cute stylish outfit.

"Thanks, you know just a little something I put together, not much thought in it", that was a lie Zay did in fact put a lot of thought in this outfit getting up at 5 in the morning to look perfect for Rose

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"Thanks, you know just a little something I put together, not much thought in it", that was a lie Zay did in fact put a lot of thought in this outfit getting up at 5 in the morning to look perfect for Rose. "Well I like this on you" "You know you should let me style you one day, I mean you look amazing in what you wear but it's kinda.... Hmmm" "Hmm, what are you trying to say" "You kinda look like someone else is dressing you is all I'm saying". At that comment Rose had an annoyed face because she knew Zadie was right about that fact that someone else is putting their input her clothing choice. "Well maybe I well let you dress me one day as long as I get to dress you" "Deal" Zay said giving Rose a kiss on her cheek leaving the girl shocked as the bell rung. "You gonna keep sitting their looking starstruck or are your gonna get to your next class" Zay said with a satisfied grin on her face for making the girl flustered, it would have been even better if Rose could blush.

(Oh yeah after like the talk with Zays mother and Father she came to the realization that the Cullens were vampires but she had the decency yo wait for Rose to tell her, and I mean Zay has her own secret that she would want to tell someone when she's ready. Yeah anyway back to the story.)

"I am not starstruck, what you did just surprised me" "yeah ok" Zay said laughing at Rose who had a fake unfazed look on her face. "Would you just for get it so we can get to art class". They finally made it to art class with Zay making jokes and Rose trying not to laugh. " So tell me about your other siblings" " Well, theres my twin brother Jasper Hale, the blond, then theres Alice Cullen his girl friend, then theres Emmet Cullen and Layla Cullen who are together, and then Edward Cullen, he's single. Then we have my adopted parents Esme and Carlisle. So yeah thats my family, tell me about your", " Well Im an only child, my Mothers name is Lilith and my Fathers name is Luci- Luke, yeah my Fathers name is Luke" Zay said quick to fix her mistake, hoping Rose didn't notice. "Wait were you going to say-" "well look at that the teachers here we should pay attention". Zay said trying to stop Rose from asking the question and got a weird look from Rose.

After art it was lunch time and wjile walking to lunch with Rose she was greeted by a girl who looked like a fairy bouncing as she walked. " Hello you must be Zay,Rose talks about you all the time" "Alice, what are you-" " She talks about me" " All the time since she your first day, oh and Im Alice" Alice said and if Rose could she would be bright red from embarrassment. "Are you going to be sitting with us at lunch today" "No she is no-" "I would love to Alice" "Ok Ill see you two there" Alice said basically skipping away from the two. As they watch Alice leave Zay turns to Rose and says " Talk about me to you family" "Oh shut up" Rose say taking Zays hand and leading her to the lunch table while Zay just laughs.

Hello everyone I hope your all having a good day, night, or morning. Sorry for bing gone so long but im going to be righting again since its my spring break and I am in a righting mood. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
                                                 -Love your author

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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