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"Work you stupid box" Zay said banging her phone on the bathroom sink, having a mini tantrum because of the phone. "I just want to go home" she said yelling at the phone, so loud that the passing students and teachers had to do a double take. She was mad because after lunch she found out she didn't have anymore classes with Rosalie and Isabella and Jessica kept trying to flirt with her while walking to Zays class. Even though she kept trying to leave them but they just didn't know how to take a hint.

"CALL ELIZABETH" "Calling Elizabeth" "oh my Lucifer" Zay said when she heard the phone talk back making her drop the phone. "Zadie... hello" "Elizabeth is that you" she said picking up the phone skeptically. "Yes, it is me shouldn't you be in class" "Oh my Elizabeth you have to save me Im dying from boredom and people keep getting on my nerves, specifically a very clumsy weirdo human girl. Like she won't leave me alone." " So you want to leave" "Yes, arrange that pleases, thank you... HOW DO I HANG UP THIS STUPID BOXXXX" Zay said trying to the call but having trouble. "Just hit the red button" "WHAT RED BUTT- oh ok I found it" after that she hung up and headed out the bathroom to retrieve her stuff.

"Well took you long enough" Zay just rolled her eyes got her stuff and went to leave the room "Excuse me were do you think your going" "I am leaving" she said giving him the "what it look like" look. "You can't just leav-" "Well I am so bye". She just walked out walking past the office and straight out the door to her car and driving home.

"Honey, I'm home" Zay said walking through the garage seeing Elizabeth sitting on the couch "Zay, how was your day" "Oh my Lucifer you would not believe the day I had" after that they both just stared at each other until Elizabeth did the go on hand movement. "Oh yeah, so first when I got there everyone was staring at me because you know I'm beautiful, and then I met Rosalie and she was breathtakingly beautiful, I mean she was just wow, the things I-" "Ok don't finish that sentence" Elizabeth said making Zay roll her eyes. "Whatever, then I was forced to sit at a table with these weird kids at lunch and it was like so miserable, then these two weird girls kept flirting with me, at least I think it was flirting, anyways I kept trying to get away from them but they would not LEAVE ME ALONE." "Ok calm down, you remember the last time you let your anger control you" " I said I was sorry" Zay said scratching the back of her neck looking down.

"Zay your Mother and Father are waiting for you to call so you should go do that" Elizabeth said trying to change the subject. "Well then, see you later" Zay said making her way upstairs to talk to her parents.

Black Rose- Rosalie Hale Where stories live. Discover now