Before the Siege on the Castle

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"Which one ya want?"

Now in the station near Shujin Academy, the thieves would take a much needed rest and some explanations on their part as to what all that Mysterious world is to Ann. Ryuji came back with two drinks in his hands, offering them to the others.

"Whichever's not carbonated."

"Uh, they're both actually."


Ann would take the bottle in his right hand and Ren would take the bottle from his left. Ren taking a sip of his straight away from the bottle as he was parched after that final battle.

"Hey! What about me?"

Popping out of the Trickster's back was Morgana, but Ryuji had a simple enough answer.

"What? But you're a cat.."

Finishing up his sip of the drink, Ren put the cap back on. Ann turned to the boy and looked to the cat on his back.

"Morgana.. Right? I really am talking to a cat..- Wait, but you're not a cat, right?"

"It's only natural you're confused about all this. Asking that you understand it all after what just happened would be too much."

"You're telling me.. I still can't believe it."

"Exhilarating, huh? You were really in it back there."

Ren would chime in on their conversation. A small smile present on his face, he was glad everything turned out for the better and that Ann was able to awaken to her power as well as not hide her feelings away anymore.

"W-Well, of course I was. I couldn't and am not letting that jerk get away with whatever he wants anymore!"

"'Am not'? You're still wantin' to join us?!"

The blonde would say to the platinum blonde, surprised by her still wanting to go in there and fight.

"Don't act like I'll be a bother! You, Ren, and Morgana saw me out there. I can fight just as well!"

"I don't see any reason personally. We need the manpower, and besides Ann has a pretty big stake in this as well."

Ren would reason, to which Ryuji crossed his arms and with a reluctant sigh, agreed.

"Yeah, fair 'nuff.- Actually, that reminds me."

His gaze shifted between Ann and Ren. Both of them wondering what Ryuji meant then he got a smirk on his face.

"Soooo. What's with you all bein' on a first name basis, huh? Last I checked, you called each other by your last names. Now you're callin' each other by your first names like it's nothin'."

"H-Huh? Get that look off your face, Sakamoto! Is that really the most important thing on your mind?!"

"It was just a question, what're so up in arms for?"

Ann being called out for such was a little embarrassing. Ever since she's moved here, she couldn't really say that she's had a male friend like Ren who looked beyond her looks and was genuinely wanting to help her.

"We had a heart-to-heart you could say."

The leader would speak up, hoping to explain the situation to save Ann from embarrassment.

"I can't go into the details. But we agreed on something and bonded over it, thus why we use our first names."

"Must've been a real good point of agreement for y'all to be buddy-buddy overnight. C'mon spill the beans man, what was it-"

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