91. - Forest of Spirits Pt.1

Start from the beginning

Another thing worth mentioning, is that the atmosphere around had... Changed. And the forest I was in had also changed, from a fairly spaced out forest with what I had assumed to be birch trees, to now a more dense forest of a tree kind I didn't actually recognise.

The trees were... Dark brown? I think? Or was it more greyish tone their barks were in?
Honestly, it was hard to tell. However, skipping over the bark, the leaves of the trees were the real strange part as they were all sorts of different colours.
Some had purple, some had blue, some even had yellow - it was like a colourful paradise.

'This honestly looks like a forest where fairies and such would reside in every other fantasy story...'

I commented in my mind.
The overall look and I suppose feel of the forest gave off the vibe of a fairytale forest.

As I continued to follow the traces, the strong headache returned, causing me to fall to the ground, grabbing my head.

'Why now?!'

I shouted in my mind, as whispers began to fill my head.

I've detected an anomaly—
I'm immediately carrying out protocols to fight the corruption.

Ancient One, I appreciate the help and all-

I slightly screamed in pain, as this dark aura began to build up around me. This corruption seriously fighting back like crazy right now...
It does not want to let go of me.

As the whispers got louder, I began to feel my conscience sort of fade - as it was replaced by an unparalleled thirst for blood and destruction.

'Jesus... Christ...'

I thought, struggling on the ground, as the aura around me got stronger and stronger, until-

Breakthrough has been made.


Before I could question it, a golden mist shot from my body before forming the same golden silhouette of a person that I had seen when I was about to die agaisnt Wezrall.
Aka the Ancient One manifesting himself outside of my mind.

Now bear with me for a moment Master,
This will hurt—

He stated, before lifting his arms above me.
Then, golden chains shot from his arms, before engulfing me, slowly sapping away at the corruption that I was leaking.
It was unbearably painful - it felt like the chains were burning my skin and not the skin of the human form, no.

The skin, of my real snake body.
I groaned and shrieked in pain for a bit, before eventually the headache disappeared and the leaking corruption disappeared as well. Ancient One breathed heavily, as the chains broke off and he returned to my body as a golden mist.

I breathed heavily myself, slowly picking myself up before noticing a strange veinlike pattern slowly having formed on my right arm.

'What did...'

I used my powers to temporarily subjugate the corruption.

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