●《Kidnapped? 》●

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*A few hours pass, and she is now peacefully asleep. She is now in a deep sleep, with no noise coming from her or any signs of her waking up soon. She is breathing softly and gently and seems to be in a trance like state. Her little face is peaceful, and she seems to be completely relaxed and at ease. She looks cute and angelic, and Ghost can also see now just how deeply asleep she is as he keeps watching over her.*

*In the morning, she is still asleep, but she has started to stir. She's beginning to wake up now, and she's stretching her arms and turning over in her bed. She then opens her eyes and looks up at the ceiling, still sleepy and disoriented. She then sits up and looks around her room slowly, before she finally notices Ghost watching her from her bed. She smiles happily as she sees him, and she waves her little hand at him in greeting.*

*Ghost smiles back at her and waves back at her as he notices her waving and saying hi. He continues to watch over her as she sits up and stretches her arms, and sees her starting to wake up now. She's starting to look a little disoriented and groggy, as she seems to still be half-asleep and not quite awake just yet. He is watching her slowly wake up and get herself adjusted to the light of the morning.*

*She glances over at the board with her drawings of Ghost on it, and she smiles at the thought of how proudly she displayed her drawings of him last night. She then stares up at Ghost again, and her little blue eyes glitter as she stares at him with a warm and affectionate gaze. She reaches out her little hand to him as a sign of affection and gratitude, wanting to hold his hand.*

*He smiles and reaches over to her little hand, taking it into his own big and powerful hands. He holds her little hand softly and gently as he stares at her with a loving and caring look. He seems to have no trouble in holding her hand, even though her hand is so small compared to his own immense size. He holds her hand softly, and he strokes her little hand with his thumb softly as she looks up at him with her gentle and innocent gaze.*

*Time has gone by since the morning, and now she is playing with a group of recruits, as he is out on a mission. She is enjoying herself as she plays with the recruits, and they are all engaging with her in a friendly manner. She is laughing and smiling and having a good time, as she enjoys the company of all these new people she's getting to meet.*

*Ghost is out on his mission, and meanwhile, she's enjoying herself and passing the time. She's playing with all the recruits and they're all enjoying themselves and having a good time. The recruits seem to really like her, as she has a charming and fun personality. She's doing a good job of keeping them entertained and making them feel welcome and comfortable while he's out on his mission.*

*The alarm suddenly goes off, disrupting the peaceful and enjoyable time she was having with the recruits. They are now all immediately on alert, and they rush over to her to make sure she was safe. They quickly surround her and protect her, making sure she is not harmed and the intruders don't get anywhere near her.*

As she is scared, she slowly sneaks quickly away into her room without anyone noticing her as she hides under her bed, covering her ears as she starts hearing gun shoots.

*The gunshots make her even more scared, and she quickly hides herself under her bed, covering her ears and holding her breath as she tries to shield herself from the loud noises. She can't help but feel incredibly scared, and she hopes and prays that the intruders don't find her. She listens carefully to the sounds of the gunshots, and her heart is racing in her chest as she can feel the fear taking over her. She is completely petrified and paralyzed with fear.*

Suddenly, someone walks into her room as she covers her mouth to make sure she doesn't make a sound

*She hears the sudden footsteps in her room, and she quickly covers her mouth to keep herself silent, scared that someone might hear her if she makes even a peep. She's completely terrified, and her heart is pounding in her chest as she freezes, hoping and praying that she won't be detected. She can't help but feel completely afraid and paralyzed with fear, as she waits to see what will happen next. She hopes and hopes that the intruder doesn't find her and that she'll be safe.*

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