Chapter 3

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Monday, 10:00am, that's when I got up to check around the building Coffee and Rose had found a month ago. Someone had to be there before us for a building to be here and it be stuffed with stuff.. really I was just searching for more food, No one has had a good meal since we got on the island. Expected Rose, I've been making sure she's feed, even if it means starving everyone else.. And I'm pretty sure everyone is losing their minds, especially Coffee. She's stop talking about how hungry she is and instead is staring at Rose as she sleeps, it's getting concerning. Richard walked in as I was searching, slamming a couple fish on the table beside me. " I caught some fish, but it's not enough to supply everyone.. a couple people are gonna have to sit out of eating tonight. " He said looking at me. I sighed looking at the ground. " Well. Feed who you can. Especially Coffee, She's going insane as it is.. that hungry is getting to her.. " I said and he looked away, picking up the fish and leaving. Most of the people here have lost their minds. Though it's partly my fault.. I've been giving food only to Rose and lying about it. And I think Richard is sneaking off and eating too. I think Coffee has caught onto that.. she has been becoming distant and acting weird, shaking and staring at people for long periods. She looks mental, I'm surprised she hasn't lashed out already. I'm just hoping help comes soon.
After a while, I looked at everyone and suggested we split up in pairs to find food. Rose immediately grabbed Coffee and running off with her.

11:01am, Kim decided it was best to split up in pairs and hunt for food, like there was anything else on this stupid fucking island. Everything is driving me insane, this hungry, the island.. everything, now I'm walking with Rose and trying to find something to eat. God was she just talking my ears off, how is she so happy right now?. Everyone is starving, or at least I think.. she looks like she hasn't missed a meal, plump and.. gosh what is wrong with me? I've been on this island for to long I'm starting to romanticize my friend? Am I romanticizing her?.. I don't know anymore..
I followed her behind her as she kept running her mouth. I wish she'd shut up for once.  I don't need her squeaky voice running through my ear right now. Or the smell of her.. she smelt amazing, even from where I was standing, she smelt amazing.. she looked amazing, no, she looked delicious.. why, why do I want to.. to sink my teeth into her. My eyes darted to a big rock and I picked it up. " But that's ok, right Coffee?.. " She said, I don't even know what she was talking about before, all I had on my mind was hunger. " Coffee?" She turned around looking at me before freezing in shock and fear as I lunged at her, pinning her to the ground as she screamed. I didn't really listen to her begging. My hunger was overpowering my thoughts and I rose the rock above my head and bashed her head in. Her blood splattering all over me and the ground. Taking a handful of the brains of my own friend, I shoved it in me mouth and ate it, a satisfying sound of my teeth chewing on her brains.. so satisfying, the taste of her blood and brains, mixed with the taste of the dirt beneath us.. And they tasted so good.. so I stabbed my nails into her stomach, clawing it opened, the sound was so satisfying as her flesh ripped and peeled.. Grabbing a handful of her organs and flesh, I stuffed it into my mouth, eating it. It was.. so delicious.. I don't know what it was.. but.. she tasted so good.. like fresh warm cake, or a plate of warm bread and meat.. what was I doing?.. I'm eating my own friend.. and i couldn't stop it either.. the sound of her flesh and organs in my mouth was so satisfying and refreshing. So filling as well.. she was so plump from eating everyday, her fresh was just filled with flavors.
As I was eating her, I heard footsteps behind me. " C..Coffee?...". It was Kim.. I turned around and looked at him, my face cover in his sister's blood, my hands holding her half eaten organs which dripped crimson blood from my hands.. I looked at her headless and eaten boby, to his terrified face, which finally met him eye to eye. " I' sorry.." I mutter and he lifted a huge stick at me ready to hit me. Terrified, I got up and ran off.

" What the fuck..." I muttered as Coffee ran off. I looked down at what was once my Sister.. her stomach ripped open like a bear attacked her. Her organs and blood sloshed around in her stomach like a soup. Her body laying in a pool of her own blood. Her head a pile of half eaten mush. Had the hunger gotten to her that bad she had to eat a human?.. her own friend for that matter. I couldn't help but tear up. I was looking at my half eaten and dead sister.." Fucking shit! Rose.. my God..". I wiped my tears, running back to the building after hearing screaming. I need to stop her before she eats everyone on the damn island.. when I reached the building she was eating Richard alive clawing into his shoulders and ripping the flesh off his body. The sound of his flesh ripping was so disgusting.. it made my blood boil and the smell.. oh, the smell was disgusting, it made my nose twitch. Around her was Avery, James, and Michael, dead. Their bodies either ripped up or turned into a mush. Jackson, Savannah, and Sarah hiding in different places of the building in fear.
Terrified and shaking, I grabbed the dart gun off the wall and shot her, knocking her out cold. Her body going limp and falling onto Richards ripped up body. Before she could wake up, me and Jackson dragged her deep into the island's forest, tying her to the tree and leaving her there.
12:00am, I heard her screaming and went to her. " Kim, I'm sorry.. please let me down.. I won't hurt anyone!.. I promise.. let me down.. I'm just hungry.. please Kim.. forgive me.." She pleaded looking at him in my eyes with her mismatched eyes. I couldn't look for to long or I'd feel bad. But I couldn't not look at her.. I went to her, brushing her hair out her face, wiping her tears. She looked at me for a second before biting my hand as hard as she could, and when I pulled away, she ripped flesh off my hand, eating it. All I could do is scream and move away in fear. She pleaded again but I didn't listen, just ran away.

Wednesday, 11:00am. Ever since I tied her up she been yelling and begging, saying she's hungry and how she what's to get off the island. We did nothing but listen. I couldn't bring that back to the main land, not after what she did to Rose.. so when help arrived, I left her on the island to rot with Roses body. Help asked about any other people.. I couldn't tell them what happened, I was still grieving.. how do I tell them my friend went cannibalistic and ate half the people on the island, including my sister?. I couldn't. So I just said they passed from starvation. She deserved to rot alone with the people she killed..
Thursday, 3:00pm, February 25th. Y/n was assigned to go and check out an island ten people were stranded on, five people only making it off. Recently through, word has gotten out that people have spotted someone on the island. Now he was sent out to investigate the island. This was gonna be fun.

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