Extra Chapter 6

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When they left the aquarium, the city lights had just begun to shine.

Chi Yan and Cen Xu'er had evening plans, so the group parted ways at the entrance.

The two children still seemed a bit reluctant to part. Liang Yican held Ming Si's hand and smiled at Chi Yu, saying, "Brother Xiaodao, remember to call me when you are back home!"

She even mimed holding a phone to her ear.

Chi Yu didn't bother correcting her about not addressing him as Xiaodao anymore. Well, she didn't listen anyway, so just let her call him that.

He nodded, "Okay."

"Don't forget, alright!" Liang Yican emphasized.

"I won't forget," even though Chi Yu didn't talk much, he always responded quickly.

Children's emotions are the most sincere and straightforward. As childhood friends, they were completely open with each other.

The adults exchanged glances and couldn't help but smile in unison.

During the day, there had been a light snowfall in Pingcheng. By this time, a thin layer had accumulated on the ground. The wind blew, causing the snow to lift up like grains of sand.

The lakes in the villa area were illuminated by warm lights, shining brightly in the dimming sky.

On the way back home, the three of them took a leisurely stroll. Liang Xian held Liang Yican in his arms as they walked along the lakeside. Ming Si was beside her and asked, "Do you like Brother Chi Yu?"

Liang Yican held a marine animal model from the aquarium in her hand. It was a blue dolphin.

She nodded, "I like him!"

Ming Si smiled, about to say something, when Liang Yican turned around again and asked seriously, "Mommy, Daddy, when are you going to give me a little brother?"

Upon hearing this, Liang Xian turned his head to glance at Liang Yican and chuckled, "We can't give you a little brother."

"Why not?" Liang Yican looked a bit confused.

Ming Si stopped in her tracks.

In fact, when Liang Zhihong had learned that it was a girl, he was still quite happy and gave Ming Si a generous red envelope. He even specially obtained a bracelet from a spiritually potent temple in Pingcheng and gifted it to the little princess, fully displaying his excitement and value, along with a hint of implying the idea of having a second child. Similarly, Cen Xinyan, out of concern for a stable marital alliance, had made similar implications.

However, Ming Si and Liang Xian, these two rebellious young individuals, didn't mind. Neither of their parents could intervene, and no one wanted to bring up the topic again and spoil the mood.

Unexpectedly, Liang Yican became the one who was eagerly pushing for a second child in the family.

"If Canbao wants to play with Brother Xiaodao, we can also go to Shencheng to visit them in the future," Ming Si said as she took the strawberry hairpin off Liang Yican's head and reattached it.

Liang Yican's eyes lit up, "Really? That sounds great."

After a while, she said somewhat gloomily, "But right now, I'm all alone and it's really boring."

She leaned against Liang Xian's shoulder. It might have been the moonlight that accentuated the slight melancholy in her expression, which was both cute and touching.

Ming Si then realized her understanding might not align with what Liang Yican wanted to express.

She asked, "Why are you feeling bored?"

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